Winnipeg Sewage Treatment Program (WSTP)
- Background
- The Agreement
- The Team
- Links
In 2011, the City of Winnipeg and Veolia entered into the 30-year Agreement known as the Winnipeg Sewage Treatment Program (WSTP). The WSTP's vision is to:
- Work together in the spirit of partnership to provide the best possible service and value for residents.
- Collaborate on capital project delivery and operational improvements, with Veolia acting as an internal consultant and advisor.
- Share knowledge and expertise to ensure long-term growth and success.
The Winnipeg Sewage Treatment Program (WSTP) will guide any upgrades, expansions, new facility construction and/or operational improvements for the City of Winnipeg's three sewage treatment plants, until 2041. The City will retain full ownership and control of the sewage treatment plant facilities.
Veolia and the City will follow these guiding principles throughout their 30-year partnership:
- City employees manage and operate the facilities
- focus on whole-life project costs
- decision making based on what is best for the job and for WSTP
- continuous open book accounting and audits of direct costs
- be accountable, open and honest in our work
The Winnipeg Sewage Treatment Program (WSTP) is led by the Director of the Water and Waste Department (Director), the Management Team and the Leadership Team. The City of Winnipeg and Veolia have equal representation on both the Leadership and Management Teams.
The Leadership Team provides advice and recommendations to the Director regarding the policy and strategic direction for the WSTP and activities.
The Management Team provides advice and recommendation to the Leadership Team and the Director regarding the coordination and direction of the day-to-day activities of the WSTP.
The benefits of the WSTP include:
- access to Veolia experts
- ability to hire highly specialized Veolia staff, when needed
- cost effective and efficient approaches used toward shared goals
- continuous improvement through the exchange of ideas and knowledge transfer
- benchmarking and optimization to improve performance
- Agreement for provision of advice and professional services
Comprehensive summary of the City agreement with Veolia - April 20, 2011 presentation to City Council
Yes, the City retains 100 per cent ownership and control of the entire sewage treatment system.
No, the Agreement for assistance from Veolia is for wastewater treatment only.
No, City staff will continue their work with sewage treatment system operations and maintenance under the supervision of City managers. There is no contracting out of jobs as a result of this Agreement.
The City retains full accountability for compliance with regulatory permits and licences.
Yes, the City will continue to control the sewage treatment systems by means of City Council budget approvals, rate setting and by setting service quality standards.
The primary objective is to reduce the whole-life costs of the facilities, which include capital and operational costs.