
The following documents provide information on building regulations required for legal construction in Winnipeg.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information contained in these documents. In the event of a discrepancy between these publications and the governing City of Winnipeg bylaw, the bylaw will take precedence.

Airport vicinity acoustic insulation
Minimum acoustic insulation requirements for buildings within the Airport Vicinity Protection Area

Basement development - lower level development
Construction requirements for the development of basements in residential buildings

Zoning and construction requirements for open, non-sheltered decks for residential buildings

Detached garages & accessory structures
Construction, zoning and electrical requirements for residential detached garages, sheds and other detached accessory structures

House additions
Requirements for house additions and attached garage building projects

New house construction
Requirements for a new house construction building project

Pools & hot tubs/spas
Construction requirements and application and inspections processes for pools, hot tubs/spas and other structures

Electrical installations
Requirements for single-family dwellings, garages, carports or other accessory structures

Construction regulations along city waterways
City of Winnipeg Waterway By-law 5888/92, requirements for construction within the regulated area along waterways, and waterway permit information

Activities near waterways
Planning for projects or maintenance activity near waterways and watercourses

Housing permit inspections
Post-permit issuance responsibilities and information about fees for inspections, time to undertake work, and administration associated with residential building permits

Real estate listing Order to Comply
A guideline for homeowners who have received an Order to Comply about electrical, plumbing and building upgrades that require permits

Rental property and bylaw compliance
Key issues to consider if you plan to rent out your single-family detached dwelling or rooms within it

Student housing, boarders and rooming houses
Zoning and building code issues related to providing housing for students or boarders, as well as rooming houses

Plumbing installations
Plumbing requirements for single-family dwellings

Sump pit installation guidelines
Guidelines and illustrations for the installation of a sump pump and pit for an existing single-family home

Zoning regulations for the placement of fences in residential areas

Airport vicinity acoustic insulation
An overview of City of Winnipeg By-law 6419/94, which establishes minimum acoustic insulation requirements for buildings within the Airport Vicinity Protection Area

Assembly occupant loads
Code requirements for spaces regularly used for a gathering of people

Barrier-free ramps
Code requirements for barrier-free ramps

Free-standing signs
Structural requirements for free-standing signs

Housing conversion
Guidelines for the conversion of a house to commercial use

Special events
Requirements for permit approval of temporary tents, large stages, large bleachers, and other temporary installations

Electromagnetic locks
Electrical and building bylaw requirements for the installation of electromagnetic locks

Emergency lighting and exit signs
Emergency lighting and exit signs in commercial and industrial tenant spaces

Commercial electrical permit applications guide
Requirements for document submissions when applying for a commercial electrical permit

Commercial cooking equipment
Requirements related to ventilation control, fire protection, and owner/user responsibilities

Heating, ventilating and air-conditioning
Requirements for heating, ventilating and air-conditioning in commercial or industrial buildings

Repair and service garages
Bylaw requirements for garages and vehicle service areas

Application steps for a sidewalk patio
Process, standards and expectations for creating sidewalk patios associated with food and drink establishments


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