
Is a permit required?

Yes, a building permit is required.

A building permit for demolition is required to demolish any building/structure or part of a building/structure as per the Winnipeg Building By-law. A building permit for demolition is not required for detached accessory structures less than 10 m2 (108 sq. ft.).

Note: After applying for a permit, the City may conduct a site inspection before permit issuance to determine if the structure can be safely demolished without engineering. Where there is less than 8’-0” from the foundation to any other structure on adjacent properties, or where there is a potential hazard, the City may require the demolition to be engineered to prevent damage to neighbouring properties.

No, a development permit is not required.

Demolitions do not require development permits, as per the Winnipeg Zoning By-law.

Demolition information

A City of Winnipeg demolition contractor licence is required to apply for a permit to demolish a building/structure or a part of a building/structure. A demolition contractor licence is not required to demolish residential accessory structures, including decks, detached garages, carports, storage sheds, gazebos, workshops, etc.

If a property has heritage status, you will need approval for de-listing. If the property is within a heritage conservation district, you will need a heritage permit.

Examples of demolition:

  • partial demolition where the foundation is being preserved to be re-used with a new build
  • full demolition with no plan to rebuild on the lot in the near future
  • full demolition with plans to rebuild immediately after the structure is demolished

The demolition must start within 30 days of permit issuance and be completed within 60 days.

It is the permit applicant’s responsibility to:

  • contact Manitoba Hydro to arrange disconnection of electricity and natural gas to the structure and removal of meters
    • permits will not be issued until the utility has notified us that the meters have been removed
  • contact the Water and Waste Department to shut off the water and remove the water meter
  • contact telephone and cable providers to arrange disconnection of services
  • arrange to plug the sewer line with a concrete plug if it is being abandoned
  • arrange for all mandatory inspections:
    • Pre-backfill - when all demolition debris, including all foundation materials (if applicable) have been removed from the site and before any fill is placed in the excavation or any reconstruction has commenced
    • Pre-backfill inground pool - when the bottom of the pool has been broken and the side walls have been collapsed inward to allow for placement of a minimum of 24 in. of clean fill to cover the remains
    • Final - when the site is in a safe, level, well graded condition after demolition has been completed

Safety fencing is required at all times during the demolition and must be compliant with the Manitoba Building Code (6’-0” high and not climbable).

Application requirements

To apply for a demolition/removal building permit, refer to the permit application for required documentation.

To obtain a demolition permit for a structure that contains one or more dwelling units (e.g. single/two family dwellings, etc.), a new construction building permit application must be submitted to the City per requirements in the Development Procedures By-law 104/2020. If you have an approved demolition variance or an order to demolish a residential structure due to unsafe conditions, a new construction building permit application is not required.

Related links

How to apply

Ensure you have all required documentation before applying.


Please contact us.

Click before you dig
If your foundation is going to require digging below grade, visit or call 1-800-940-3447.

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