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Community Services


Spray pads

All spray pads are currently closed.

Toutes les aires de jets d’eau sont fermées pour la saison.

Come splash with us!

Spray pads are free of charge for all.

Adults must be accompanied by children at the following combined spray pads/wading pools: Central Park, Sturgeon Heights, Vimy Ridge Memorial Park, Westdale, West Kildonan and Machray Park.


Spray pad Address Status Washroom availability
Boyd Park Spray Pad 1100 College Ave. ClosedFermé None
Central Park Spray Pad 400 Cumberland Ave. ClosedFermé None
Champlain CC Spray Pad 282 Niverville Ave. ClosedFermé None
Crescentwood Spray Pad 1170 Corydon Ave. ClosedFermé None
Fort Rouge Spray Pad 295 River Ave. ClosedFermé None
Freight House Spray Pad 200 Isabel St. ClosedFermé None
Gateway Spray Pad 1717 Gateway Rd. ClosedFermé None
Jill Officer Park Spray Pad 1400 Rothesay St. ClosedFermé None
Lindenwoods Spray Pad 414 Lindenwoods Drive W. ClosedFermé None
Lindsey Wilson Park Spray Pad 379 Island Shore Blvd. ClosedFermé None
Machray Park Spray Pad 475 Anderson Ave. ClosedFermé None
Magnus Eliason Recreation Centre 430 Langside St. ClosedFermé None
Maples Spray Pad 434 Adsum Dr. ClosedFermé None
Old Ex Spray Pad 96 Sinclair St. ClosedFermé None
Park City West Spray Pad 115 Sanford Fleming Rd. ClosedFermé None
Provencher Park Spray Pad 620 rue Langevin ClosedFermé None
River Heights Spray Pad 1370 Grosvenor Ave. ClosedFermé None
Shaughnessy Spray Pad 74 Tyndall Ave. ClosedFermé None
St. James Assiniboia Centennial Pool Spray Pad 644 Parkdale St. ClosedFermé None
St. Norbert Spray Pad 3450 Pembina Hwy. ClosedFermé None
Sturgeon Heights Spray Pad 210 Rita St. ClosedFermé None
Valley Gardens Spray Pad 218 Antrim Road ClosedFermé None
Vimy Ridge Memorial Park Spray Pad 821 Preston Ave. ClosedFermé None
Waverley Heights Spray Pad 1885 Chancellor Dr. ClosedFermé None
Westdale Spray Pad 550 Dale Blvd. ClosedFermé None
West Kildonan Spray Pad 346 Perth Ave. ClosedFermé None
Whyte Ridge Spray Pad 170 Fleetwood Rd. ClosedFermé None

Rules for use

We recommend that children under 12 years of age be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

Children should be closely supervised at all times and follow these rules:

  • Glass or food is not permitted on the spray pad.
  • Climbing on the spray features is not permitted.
  • People with a communicable disease or having open sores shall not use the spray pad.
  • Animals, including service animals, are not allowed on the spray pad as this is against Manitoba Health regulations.
  • Bicycles, skateboards, scooters and in-line skates are not permitted
  • No Smoking within 30 m (City of Winnipeg By-law no. 62/2011)
  • Water shoes are recommended
  • Do not drink from the spray features

Maintenance concerns: Contact 311

Last update: September 3, 2024

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