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Community Services


Wading pools

All wading pools are closed for the season

Toutes les pataugeoires sont fermées pour la saison

Come splash with us! Wading pools are free of charge for children 12 and under and their parent(s)/guardian(s) to enjoy. All wading pools are supervised and washroom facilities are available onsite during the regular operating hours of the wading pool.

Wading pool closures

A wading pool may close throughout the day for a variety of reasons. Please check this page before heading out to a pool to ensure that it is currently operating.

Reasons for pool closures

A wading pool may be closed throughout the day if any of the following conditions arise:

  • The weather turns to thundershowers during the day.
  • Lightning and/or thunder are present.
  • Water, electricity, access to a phone for emergencies, first aid kit or washroom facilities are not available.
  • Foreign material such as glass, fecal matter, vomit, animals or blood is found in the wading pool water and has the potential to affect pool water clarity and quality.
  • Maintenance issues.
  • Pool water clarity or quality does not meet Manitoba Public Health Act standards.

Help prevent pool closures

  • Avoid eating one hour prior to swimming to avoid upset stomach
  • Ensure that children are taken to the washroom prior to swimming and frequently take breaks during swimming
  • Non-toilet trained infants/toddlers and participants who experience incontinence must wear the appropriate leak-proof garments
  • Participants should not swim if they feel ill, have an upset stomach, diarrhea or have vomited in the past day
  • Change diapers in the change rooms (not pool side) and dispose of them properly
  • Wash your hands after using the toilet or changing diapers

Pool closures are a result of the contamination of pool water by fecal matter and vomit or reduced water clarity. Water quality must be within the appropriate range set by the Public Health Act before swimmers can enter the pool.

Patrons must observe facility codes of conduct when attending a Recreation Services facility.

Admission requirements

Wading pools have a maximum depth of 45 - 60 cm (18 - 24 inches). They are designed for children 12 years and under that meet admission requirements.

Children under 7 years of age must have a parent or guardian 12 years of age or older actively supervising them at the pool. Parents/guardians have an important role in their children's safe enjoyment at any recreational water facility.

Wading pool rules

For the safety and enjoyment of all participants, wading pool rules apply at all wading pools.

Last update: August 27, 2024

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