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Community Services

SPIN - Sports Programs in Inner City Neighbourhoods

SPIN - Sports Programs in Inner City Neighbourhoods

Programs Winter 2025

SPIN Learn to Skate – Winter

SPIN, is running a Learn to Skate Program. This free program is designed to teach children 6–14 years of age basic skill development, sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership and fair play in a non-competitive environment. SPIN will provide free transportation for the host site to and from the designated Arena.

Site Dates

Freight House
Door #3 200 Isabel St

February 2025
Mondays 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.

SPIN soccer

SPIN Soccer

SPIN, with support from the Manitoba Soccer Association, is running a Soccer Program. This free program is designed for children 6 – 14 years of age to learn basic skill development, sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership and fair play in a non-competitive environment.

Site Dates

Lord Nelson School
820 McPhillips St.

January 16 – March 13, 2025
Thursdays 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Norquay Community Centre
65 Granville St.

January 15 – March 12, 2025
Wednesdays 4 – 5 p.m.

SPIN Cross Country Skiing

SPIN Cross Country Skiing

SPIN will run a Cross Country Skiing Program at Windsor Park Golf Course. This free program is designed for children 6 – 12 years of age to learn basics of cross country skiing on one of Winnipeg's best trails.

Site Dates

Windsor Golf Course
10 Des Meurons St.

January 21 – February 25, 2025
Tuesdays 5 – 7 p.m.

Contact us

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Past Programs

SPIN Baton

SPIN Baton

SPIN, with support from Manitoba Baton Association, is running a Baton Program. This free program is designed to teach children 6–12 years of age basic skill development, sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership and fair play in a non-competitive environment.

SPIN Basketball

SPIN Basketball

SPIN, with support from Basketball Manitoba, will run a Basketball Program. This free program is designed for children 6–12 years of age to learn basic skill development, sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership and fair play in a non-competitive environment.

SPIN Canoe and Kayaking

SPIN Canoe and Kayaking

This free program is designed to teach children 8–16 years of age basic skill development, sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership and fair play in a non-competitive environment. SPIN will provide all of the necessary equipment and free transportation for the host site to travel to and from the designated swimming pool.

SPIN football

SPIN Football

SPIN, with the support of Football Manitoba, is running a Football Program. This free program is designed to teach children 6–14 years of age basic skill development, sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership and fair play in a non-competitive environment.

SPIN golf


SPIN, with the help of Golf Manitoba, kids aged 6–12 will learn the basics in Golf including proper etiquette and skill development using larger size clubs & balls to promote confidence in hitting the ball. All equipment will be provided and no specific clothing is needed. All participants will receive a certificate upon completion of the program.

SPIN gymnastics

SPIN Gymnastics

SPIN, with support from the Manitoba Gymnastics Association, is running an Artistic Gymnastics Program. This free program is designed to teach children 6–14 years of age basic skill development, sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership and fair play in a non-competitive environment.

SPIN multisport

SPIN Newcomer Multisport

SPIN, with support from the Various Provincial Sport Organizations, is running a Newcomer Sport Program. This free program is designed to teach children 6–14 years of age basic skill development, sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership and fair play in a non-competitive environment.


SPIN paddling

About SPIN Aquatics

For the past several years now, SPIN has been providing Aquatic Sport programming to many children across Winnipeg through our various community partners. In partnership with the Sport Organizations that provide Aquatic Sport programming, as well as partnering with our Aquatics Division of the City of Winnipeg, SPIN gives children a unique opportunity to experience aquatic based sports that normally they would never get the chance to partake in.

Thanks to our partners and their continued support of SPIN programming, SPIN has allowed kids to try out sports such as Diving, Water Polo and Paddling. Our amazing partners not only have provided us with a chance to experience this type of programming, but also have allowed some kids in our community who have never swam before a chance to learn the basics of how to swim.

Not only does SPIN provide coaching for Aquatic Sports, we provide support to children who may be lacking the basic swimming skills needed to participate. SPIN allows children the opportunity to discover basic swimming skills they need not only to participate in our programming, but to also take with them as they grow and experience pools and aquatic sports in the future.

SPIN offers Aquatic sport programming usually from October to December, then January to March, and then April to June with a summer component in July into August.

About SPIN

SPIN is a LiveSAFE initiative led by the City of Winnipeg.

SPIN aims to eliminate barriers that inner-city children face to participate in organized sport programming. SPIN provides opportunities to learn basic athletic skills, sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership and fair play in a non-competitive and safe environment.

These skills help children develop self esteem and confidence, equipping them with the tools to resist gangs and anti-social behaviour.

SPIN has identified the following solutions to barriers inner city children face to participation in sport:

  • Sports are too expensive: SPIN is offered free of charge to participants.
  • Transportation: We work with existing service providers in the community. Our goal is to have a SPIN program within walking distance, eliminating the need for weekly transportation. Transportation for Challenge Day and Wind-up Tournaments is provided for the participants and their family members.
  • Lack of access to equipment: SPIN partners provide the equipment and administration. To facilitate the ongoing opportunity to play, equipment is gifted to the host at the completion of the program.
  • No community coaches: We offer free training and mentorship for volunteers and leaders to help build the sport leadership capacity within the community. We partner with provincial sport organizations to prove coaches, where possible.
  • No access to gym/field space: SPIN works with City Departments, Community Centres, School Divisions and community facilities to open doors for Sports programming.

We would like to thank the following organizations for their support:

Sport Manitoba Winnipeg Community Sport Alliance Kid Sport Province of Manitoba
General Council of Winnipeg Community Centres Winnipeg School Division The University of Winnipeg

Contact SPIN

For information on SPIN:
Phone: 311

Community Centres

Community Centre information

Last update: January 2, 2025

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