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Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Planning, Property & Development

Land Development - About Us

Land development services are coordinated through the Land Development Branch. The Branch is the central hub responsible for the multi-disciplinary coordination and processing of all Pre-Applications and Development Applications. We ensure that projects comply with City of Winnipeg Council policies, by-laws and provincial regulations regarding the creation of new and redeveloped sites.

Our goal is to provide seamless customer services to residents, developers, builders and other stakeholders involved in the planning, engineering, design and construction of our city. We strive to enhance quality of life by providing safe, efficient, visually appealing and environmentally friendly developments while at the same time, effectively manage all development processes.

Land development can take many forms. It could be the conversion of a greenfield or infill land into construction-ready housing, multi-family development, a commercial project, or an industrial building site. Most development is achieved by the subdivision and/or rezoning of land, unless proposed land uses comply under Zoning By-laws and land use policies.

Land use policies and development requirements are set out in a number of policy documents such as the City of Winnipeg's development plan OurWinnipeg, Complete Communities and Local Area Plans that establish a vision and provide policy direction to guide how our city grows and develops over time. Zoning By-laws are regulatory tools that help implement these policy documents and contain specific provisions to regulate the use of land and dimensional regulations. The City of Winnipeg Charter Act is the provincial legislation that ensures all plans and decisions are aligned with the City's adopted plans, By-laws and policies.


Land Development Responsibilities

  • Manage and facilitate the Pre-Application and Development Application processing, review and approval.
  • Act as the liaison between all internal and external stakeholders, providing professional advice, consultation, interpretation and instruction on application processing and implementation.
  • Communicate with the development community so that policies, priorities and procedures of the City are shared and the City understands the development community's changing needs.
  • Coordinate Administrative Coordinating Group, Community Committee and Standing Policy Committee review and approval.
  • Implementation, preparation and certification of Development and Servicing Agreements, Zoning Agreements, Subdivision Agreements, and By-laws.
  • Maintenance of letters of credit held to secure developer responsibilities under Development/Servicing Agreements, including street and underground works, and survey monumentation and landscaping of parks, boulevards and other public spaces.
  • Annual review of Developer's securities, including monitoring and inspection of Developer's obligations.
  • Administration of the Street Names By-law No. 115/2011 including inventory, maintenance of the various Street Name Reserve lists, preparation of reports as required for the naming of new streets, renaming of existing streets, and honourary street name toppers.
Last update: December 12, 2022

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