CPR Yards Crossing Study open house information
The functional design study is now complete.
Please visit A Better Bridge for Arlington for more information.
Open House - March 19, 2016:
The public was invited to an open house on March 19, 2016 from Noon to 4:00 p.m. at Rossbrook House to see how input from public consultations has influenced project decisions related to the replacement of the Arlington Bridge. Attendees had the opportunity to view drawings of what a new Arlington Bridge could look like and to learn about potential future projects that will better connect the community.
View the Open house information boards.
Open Houses - September 17 and 19, 2015
On September 17 and 19, 2015, two open houses were held to present options being considered to replace the Arlington Bridge and ideas for other crossings of the CPR yards. The community was asked to provide feedback on these options. View the open house boards. Here is the summary of what we heard at the September CPR Yards open house.