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Public Works

CPR Yards Crossing Study FAQ

The functional design study is now complete.
Please visit A Better Bridge for Arlington for more information.

Arlington Bridge Solutions

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Give us an overview of this project.

This project is looking at a number of options and combinations of options to continue to move people and goods across the yards when the existing Arlington Bridge has to be closed. This is to ensure the most efficient investments in a transportation system that achieves:

  • community connectivity,
  • improving transit,
  • local and regional movement of people and goods,
  • accommodating pedestrians and cyclists, and
  • keeping consistent with our adopted Transportation Master Plan.

This project will identify risks, benefits, costs, and implications associated with each option that is developed so that the reasons for the recommended route are transparent to everyone.

This project will also be looking at how to safely deconstruct the existing Arlington Bridge.

What are the outcomes of this project?

The outcome of the project will be a recommended solution to cross the CPR Yards after the existing Arlington Bridge is closed. The public will be engaged throughout the process of this project. The solution will be presented for approval to the elected officials and the reasons behind the choice will be transparent to the public.

What activities are included in the collaborative planning and public engagement process?
  • Site tour and Community Workshop on December 4, 2014 at Rossbrook House;
  • Project Advisory Committee;
  • Meetings with Community Groups;
  • On-line interactive public engagement website;
  • Open houses;
  • Telephone survey;
  • Newsletters Project email address for communication;
  • Project website, facebook and twitter.
Why are you not looking at removing the railway yards?

The Government of Manitoba has set up a working group, which includes the City of Winnipeg, to look at the scope, costs and implications of relocating Winnipeg rail traffic, including the CPR Yards and rail lines. A plan to move people across the Yards is needed now. The City must have a proactive plan to ensure a functioning transportation system after the inevitable closing of the existing Arlington Bridge. Relocating the yards is not simple and would require consensus from a multitude of stakeholders including the CP Rail Company. The recommended plan will not prevent discussions in regards to rail yard relocation. It is intended to still be functional even if the CPR Yards are relocated in the future.

Didn't the City propose to build an overpass connecting Sherbrook Street to McGregor Street in the past? Will this project be an option once again?

The Sherbrook Street to McGregor Street overpass that was proposed many years ago was vastly different than what this study will be trying to achieve. The alignment proposed at that time was part of a complex freeway system that is no longer permitted within Winnipeg. It consisted of many traffic lanes and would have led to demolition of important community organizations and residential areas. The alternatives the City will be comparing now will consider important goals such as community connectivity, supporting redevelopment opportunities (i.e. housing) and supporting transit, cycling and walking, in addition to the regional and local movement of vehicles.

Why can't the existing bridge be rehabilitated?

The Arlington Bridge over the CPR Yards is nearing the end of its useful life and fixing it is not possible. Essentially repairing it would result in a new structure through replacing all of the aged materials. The existing bridge does not meet current accessibility standards, allow for cycling facilities or accommodate transit.

There has been talk about removing this bridge for decades, why are you acting on it now?

The overpass is now over 100 years old. The majority of bridge components would require replacement at a cost approaching that of or surpassing a new bridge cost without the benefits of improved functionality and longer life span that a new bridge would provide.

What is the CPR Yards Crossing Study all about?

The Arlington Bridge is coming to the end of its useable life and fixing it is not possible. The goal of this study is to determine the best possible plan to move people and goods safely and efficiently across the CPR Yards when the Arlington Bridge closes.

The CPR Yards Crossing Study will look at a number of options for a new crossing in the area and at improving existing crossings of the CPR Yards between McPhillips Street and Salter Street.

What are the project goals?
  • Safe.
  • Technically strong and smart.
  • Works with City policies and guidelines and the needs of people who walk, cycle and people with disabilities.
  • Handles and improves traffic.
  • Good value for money.
  • Environmentally responsible.
  • Beautiful; a project to be proud of.
  • The planning reflects the needs and thoughts from the communities.
  • Works for people in the communities and city-wide.
Last update: January 8, 2020

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