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Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Insect Control


What are Midges?

Midges are non-biting flies that look a lot like mosquitoes. They are similar in size and overall appearance and very often get mistaken for mosquitoes. Midges are common during the warm months of April through September. They overwinter as larvae at the bottom of standing water sites within the mud. They can be found in several locations resting on houses, vehicles, under eaves and around vegetation. Midge larvae originate in standing water sites, including lakes, ponds, dugouts, reservoirs and roadside ditches.

Citizens can reduce the numbers of nuisance midges by reducing the amount of light outside their homes that attract midges. They can do this by delaying the turning on of outdoor lights or using a yellow lightbulb designed to be unattractive to insects.

What do Midges look like?


Photo credit:
Judy Gallagher under license CC BY 2.0

Midges are approximately 1cm in length and have a light green colouring. Midges will emerge in the late evening around sunset and form large swarms. Although they pose no health risk and do not transmit disease, they can be a nuisance to citizens. Swarms of midges can cause discomfort by entering ears, eyes and mouth.

Midge females will lay their eggs on the surface of water or mud. Upon hatching the larvae will burrow into the mud to feed on organic matter and algae. Once in a pupal stage the midge will rise to the surface and emerge as a winged adult. The adult lives for approximately 7 days, depending on various factors.

Last update: July 22, 2020
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Winnipeg MB R3T 4V7

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