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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Insect Control

Insecticide Use Notification

City of Winnipeg Public Works Department
Public notice - Insecticide Use Program for 2024

Public notice is hereby given that the Insect Control Branch of the City of Winnipeg's Public Works Department intends to conduct the following Pesticide Control Programs during 2024:

1. To control larval mosquitoes in stagnant water, within Winnipeg and up to 10 kms beyond the City boundary on both public and private property. The projected dates of application will be from April 7 to October 18, 2024. The insecticides to be used include:

2. To control adult mosquitoes along streets and lanes, City parks, golf courses, cemeteries and rights-of-way within the City boundaries. The projected dates of application will be from May 6 to September 27, 2024. The insecticide to be used will be DeltaGard® 20EW (deltamethrin).

3. To control cankerworms, forest tent caterpillars and fall webworm on City-owned trees. The projected dates of application are May 6 to September 7, 2024. The insecticide to be used will be the biological insecticide Foray® 48B (Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki - Btk).

4. To control emerald ash borer on public property by injecting TreeAzin® (azadirachtin) or IMA-jet® (imidacloprid) into the trunk of ash trees from approximately June 3 until September 27, 2024.

5. To control wasps and ants on public property. The projected dates will be from April 7 to October 31, 2024. The insecticides to be used include:

6. To control other miscellaneous insect pests. The projected dates of application will be from February 15 to December 31, 2023. The insecticides to be used include:

Any person may, within 15 days after this notice is published, send a written submission to Environment and Climate regarding the control program or register with the department their written objection to the use of pesticide next to their property to:

Manitoba Environment and Climate Change
Environmental Approvals Branch
Box 35 - 14 Fultz Boulevard
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3Y 0L6

Individuals who:

  • wish to refuse the entry of City staff onto their property in order to apply any of the above-noted insecticides; or
  • are opposed to the use of insecticides adjacent to their principal residence for the control of adult mosquitoes, cankerworms, or miscellaneous insects, may register their refusal/opposition, either in writing to the Insect Control Branch, 3 Grey Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2L 1V2; or by fax to 311; or by email to; or in person at 1539 Waverley Street. Individuals must include their name, the date, and the address of their principal residence, and proof of occupancy (driver's licence, utility bill, etc.); specifying which programs they are opposing.

During an adult mosquito control program, daily public notification and information will be provided through the media and on the City's website at In addition, residents can request individual telephone or email notification which will provide at least 8 hours in advance of the operation, information about the specific areas of the city in which adult mosquito control is intended to be conducted.

  • Individuals who wish to be notified by telephone must provide, either in writing to 3 Grey Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2L 1V2; or by fax to 311; or by registering through the City of Winnipeg website at, their name, the date, the address of their principal residence, and one telephone number at which they want to be notified.
  • If email rather than telephone contact is preferred, then the name, the date, and the address of the principal residence must be sent via email to: Contact 311. This email must be sent from the actual email address at which the registrant wishes to be notified.

In order for exemptions to be adequately processed, written notice must be received at least fourteen (14) days prior to the start of the control program specified. In person registrations will be processed within 24 hours. Please note that the size of the spray buffer will vary according to the type of control program and spray equipment used. Registration must be renewed each year.

In accordance with the Pest Management Regulatory Agency Pesticides Incident Reporting Regulations individuals may report incidents related to pesticides utilized in the City of Winnipeg's Insect Control Program by contacting the City of Winnipeg at 311 or 1-877-311-4WPG.

Notice Issued By: Jim Berezowsky, Director of Public Works

Last update: January 11, 2024

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