Hydraulically operated elevator requirements
Preventing the discharge of oil into the City's sewer system
Operators and owners of properties must ensure that appropriate measures are taken to prevent the discharge of oil into the City's sewer system. Depending on the configuration of the elevator sump pit drain, a failure of an elevator's hydraulic system can result in a discharge of oil to the sewer system, which violates the restrictions set out in Sections 45(2) and 45(2) of the Sewer By-law.
New requirements for building permit applications
City of Winnipeg building permit applications that include a hydraulically operated passenger elevator must detail the measures that will be in place to prevent the discharge of oil to the sewer system.
Note: Existing structures are not required to retroactively modify their elevator sump pit configurations.
Proper disposal of oil in a containment device
Any oil collected in a containment device or pit must be disposed of through a hazardous waste disposal company appropriately licensed with the Province of Manitoba.
Containing discharged oil
There are several ways to contain discharged oil from an elevator's hydraulic system, such as an oil interceptor or an oil containment pit.
A general oil containment pit schematic is below. Due to site specific building constraints, this schematic may not be applicable in all circumstances.
If you have any questions about the requirements, please contact 311.