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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Community Services

leisureONLINE help

Video tutorials

How to create an account

How to add a family member

How to search for an activity

How to use the Wish List

How to register for an activity

How to view activity completion status

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Managing your customer account

How many accounts should each family have?

We recommend that each family establish a primary account with login credentials. That account should be created in the name of a head of household with all family members added to that account.

How do I add family members to my account?

There are three ways to add family members to your Customer Account:

  1. Online:
    1. New Account – create your Customer Account providing head of household contact information. Then select “Create Account and Add Family Member” to add all family members to your account.
    2. Existing Account – once logged in, select “ My Account > Account Settings > Change Information about Family/Friends > Add New Family Member”.
    3. While Registering - select “Create a new Family Member” when selecting the course participant.
  2. Visit an in-person location.
  3. Call 311.
Can I add a friend or relative to my account?

Yes – when adding a friend or relative to your account, select “Relative” or “Unspecified” when completing the Role in Family question.

How do I change/correct information on my account?

Once logged into your Customer Account, select “My Account” to display account setting options. Here you can change your password, personal or address information. You can also change the information about any other members on your account.

Can I remove a friend or relative from my account?

Removing people from an account requires support from our staff. Please call 311 to make this request.

What should I do if I forget my password?

On the Login page, select “Forgot your password?” and key in the email address you provided when creating your account. Your temporary password will be emailed to you.

If you are not able to login with the temporary password provided, please call 311 for assistance.

Please do not create another Customer Account.

What should I do if my account is locked out?

On the Login page, select “Forgot your password?” and key in the email address you provided when creating your account. Resetting your password will unlock your account.

I have been approved for a fee subsidy for Leisure Guide activities. How do I access it online?
  • Please ensure that you are able to successfully log in to your online account BEFORE registration starts.
    • Log in to to access your account.
    • Select Reset Password, using the email address that you provided on your application.
  • If you are having difficulty accessing your account online,  please call 311 or email us at
  • Select Register for Activities.
  • Search by activity code(s), activity name(s), facility name(s), activity date/time by using the Find It Fast links, search bar, or the search filters shown on the left of the activities displayed.
  • Select an activity from the search results displayed.
  • Select Add To Cart.
  • Select Participant and answer any questions for the selected activity.
  • Proceed to Shopping Cart. Review and Acknowledge the Activity Terms and Conditions. Note: the Program Withdrawal Fee is not applicable to approved Fee Subsidy Program participants.
  • Proceed to Checkout
  • The Fee Subsidy Credit will automatically be applied to the selected activity enrollments.
    • If the cost of your activity enrollments is less than the credit on your account, the remainder will be left on your account to register at a later date/session until it expires, 12 months after your program approval date (this date is recorded on your program approval letter).
    • If the cost of your activity enrollments is more than the credit on your account, YOU must pay for any additional activities or balance owing for partial payment by another form of payment; credit card or Recreation Gift Card are other eligible forms of online payment. No additional credit will be provided in the same 12 month qualification period.
How do I pay using my Recreation Services Fee Subsidy Program credit?
  • Complete your activity enrollments and proceed to Checkout.
  • The Fee Subsidy Credit will automatically be applied to the selected activity enrollments.
    • If the cost of your activity enrollments is less than the credit on your account, the remainder will be left on your account to register at a later date/session until it expires, 12 months after your program approval date (this date is recorded on your program approval letter).
    • If the cost of your activity enrollments is more than the credit on your account, YOU must pay for any additional activities or balance owing for partial payment by another form of payment; credit card or Recreation Gift Card are other eligible forms of online payment. No additional credit will be provided in the same 12 month qualification period.
What if I do not have enough Recreation Services Fee Subsidy Program credit left on my account to pay the full cost of my activity enrollment?
  • If the cost of your activity enrollments is more than the credit on your account, YOU must pay for any additional activities or balance owing for partial payment by another form of payment; credit card or Recreation Gift Card are other eligible forms of online payment. An outstanding balance for an activity enrollment cannot be left on an account. No additional credit will be provided in the same 12 month qualification period.

Payments, receipts & account history

What forms of payment are accepted?

Online registrations must be paid for by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, or American Express), Recreation Gift Card or fee subsidy credit.

Once you have paid, you can choose to save your card information for future transactions. Please review the posted “Saving Credit Card Security Guarantee”.

In-person registrations can pay with cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, debit, Recreation Gift Card or fee subsidy credit.

Can I pay my facility booking fees online?

Yes - once logged into your Customer Account, select “My Account” > “Payment Details” > “Pay on Account”. Payment can be made by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, or American Express) or Recreation Gift Card. The Recreation Services Fee Subsidy Program credit cannot be used to pay facility fees.

How can I get copies of my receipts?

Log into your Customer Account, select “My Account” > “Account Activity” > “Transaction History”. Select the transaction of your choice to view or print the receipt.

How do I view the agreed upon Terms and Conditions for activities that I have registered in?

Log into your Customer Account, select “My Account” > “Account Activity” > “Agreements and Forms”. Select the activity of your choice to view the Terms and Conditions.

Course availability & waitlists

Why are some activities not available for registration through leisureONLINE?

Skill development activities generally restrict late registration to the third lesson of a session; these activities are not available for online registration after the set registration end date.

My child is not in the age range required for an activity. Are there exceptions?

To make an exception request, please call 311.

Participants in Learn to Swim activities must be the minimum age by the start date.

How do I register for an activity that has already started?

You are able to use any of the 3 registration methods to register after an activity has started.

Skill development activities generally restrict late registration to the third lesson of a session; these activities are not available for online registration after the set registration end date.

The activity I am interested in is full. How do I get on a waitlist?

From the Activity Search page, there are two paths to add your name to an activity's wait list:

  1. Fee and Action capture

    Fee and Action column
    When you select “Check details for fees”, the “Add to Waitlist” button displays in the lower left corner. Select the participant, provide any additional information and proceed to checkout. You will receive an email confirming your placement on the waitlist.

  2. Quick view capture

    Activity Name column
    When you select “Quick View” or the activity name, the “Add to Waitlist” button displays in the lower left corner. Select the participant, provide any additional information and proceed to checkout. You will receive an email confirming your placement on the waitlist.

Will I be contacted if space becomes available in an activity where I am waitlisted?

You will be contacted when/if space becomes available. At that time, you can choose to register for the activity or decline the available space. If we leave a message for you, you will be asked to register before a very specific date and time. If you have not registered by that date and time, the space will be offered to the next waitlisted person.

Participants in Learn to Swim and Learn to Skate activities: Due to the high demand for these spaces, only customers not yet registered in the session for the same activity will be contacted when/if space becomes available.

Activity terms and conditions

Technical information

Which browsers and operating systems are supported?

Web browsers

  • Microsoft Edge: latest version
  • Google Chrome: latest version
  • Safari: on iOS devices

Operating systems

  • Microsoft Windows: Windows 8, 8.1 and 10
  • Apple iOS: 11.1 or newer

You can use other browsers and operating systems but the quality of your experience may be impacted.

The registration system is timing out or logging me off unexpectedly. What should I do?

This issue will usually correct itself if you clear your internet browser cache and cookies.

Last update: December 2, 2022

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How can we make this web page better?

Information collected will be used to improve our website. Do not use this form to submit a request for service or information because it will not be forwarded to departments for response. To submit a request for service or information, contact 311.

This form is not intended to collect personal information; however, any personal information you choose to include in your comments is collected by the City of Winnipeg under the authority of section 36(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of improving our website and will not be used or disclosed for any other purposes, except as authorized by law. Contact the Corporate Access and Privacy Officer by mail (City Clerk’s Department, Susan A. Thompson Building, 510 Main Street, Winnipeg MB, R3B 1B9) or by telephone (311) if you have any questions about the collection of this information.

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Comment pourrait-on améliorer cette page Web?

Les renseignements recueillis serviront à l’amélioration de notre site Web. Prière de ne pas se servir de ce formulaire pour soumettre une demande de service ou de renseignements, car la demande ne sera pas transmise au service en question. Pour soumettre une demande de service ou de renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec le 311.

Le présent formulaire ne vise pas à recueillir des renseignements personnels. Cependant, les renseignements personnels que vous choisissez d’inclure dans vos commentaires sont recueillis par la Ville de Winnipeg en conformité avec l’alinéa 36(1)b) de la Loi sur l’accès à l’information et la protection de la vie privée dans le but d’améliorer son site Web et ne seront ni utilisés ni divulgués pour d’autres raisons, sauf dans les cas où cela est autorisé par la loi. Communiquez avec l’agent de l’accès à l’information et de la protection de la vie privée de la Ville par courrier au Bureau du greffier, immeuble Susan-A.-Thompson, 510, rue Main, Winnipeg (Manitoba) R3B 1B9, ou par téléphone au 311 si vous avez des questions sur la collecte de ces renseignements.