Arena Rentals
The Winter 2025 Leisure Guide Swimming and Skating brochures are available online. Register now!
Les brochures de natation et de patinage du Guide Loisirs de l’hiver 2025 sont offertes en ligne. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant!
Casual ice bookings are now available! Visit leisureONLINE to browse for dates and times.
Les patinoires peuvent maintenant être réservées de façon occasionnelle! Visitez loisirsenligne pour voir les dates et les heures.
Arena use in the City of Winnipeg is allocated (assigned) following the Indoor Arena Ice Allocation Policy.
Ice time is allocated on a “block basis” to local area associations that govern the individual community youth programs according to the number of teams registered in the previous year. The local area associations and high school leagues are responsible for the further breakdown and distribution of ice time.
Following the allocation to youth programs, contract rentals are coordinated on a city-wide basis.
Ice time that remains unassigned is available for casual ice rental.
Casual Ice Rentals
Check here for Arena Information
Things to know:
- Casual Ice rentals are non-refundable and non-transferable
- Rental rates are determined by the age category of the group using the ice
- A Permit Processing Fee will apply to each permit.
- To rent casual ice - you must agree to the Rental Terms and Conditions
- Your rental permit will be emailed to you
- Bring a copy of your rental permit to the arena
How to book casual ice:
Option 1: Book online
Step 1: Visit leisureONLINE to browse for available dates and times for casual ice rentals. Ice schedules in leisureONLINE may not reflect any unanticipated, temporary, closures after 4:30 p.m.
Step 2: Select the arena you would like to book casual ice at
Step 3: Use the "Facility openings calendar" to select an available date and time for your booking
Step 4: Complete the remaining booking information and select "Proceed"
Step 5: Fill out the "Reservation form" including event name and event type. Fees will be displayed once completed. Select "Add to cart" to proceed to shopping cart
Step 6: Review booking information in shopping cart and select "Check out" to make payment
Step 7: Complete payment information and select "Pay". You will receive confirmation of your booking
Step 8: Print a copy of your emailed rental permit
Option 2: Book by calling 311
Step 1: Visit leisureONLINE to browse for available dates and times for casual ice rentals. Ice schedules in leisureONLINE may not reflect any unanticipated, temporary, closures after 4:30 p.m.
Step 2: Read Rental Terms and Conditions
Step 3: Call 311 prepared with payment (credit card number and expiry date)
Step 4: Print a copy of your emailed rental permit
Non-Ice/Off Season Rentals
Things to know:
- The non-ice season is generally from April through August.
- Non-ice arena rental requests will be individually reviewed for approval, and subject to arena availability.
- Non-ice Rental Rates are determined by length of rental time.
- Depending on the type of requested use, non-ice arena rentals may be subject to additional specialized permits, licenses, security detail, insurance and/or a damage deposit.
- For non-ice rental approval, you must agree to the Rental Terms and Conditions.
- A Permit Processing Fee will apply to each permit
How to Book Non-Ice/Off Season Rentals:
Please email with details of your request for review.