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Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service

Billing FAQ

Why was my ambulance invoice not sent to Manitoba Health for payment?

Manitoba Health does not pay for ambulance invoices. The invoice is the responsibility of the service user.

What payment methods are accepted?

We accept credit card (Visa, Master Card, American Express), money order, cheque, and cash.

Can I pay online?

Yes. Please use this link to pay online with your credit card:

Where can I send my cheque payment?

City of Winnipeg, Main Floor, 510 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 1B9.

Can I pay my invoice at a bank?

Ambulance invoice cannot be paid at a bank or credit union.

Can I pay my invoice through internet banking?

Ambulance invoice cannot be paid through internet banking.

Where can I pay my invoice in person?

When is my ambulance payment due?

Payment is due upon receipt of the invoice.

Is there any interest or late payment fees charged?

We do not charge interest or late payment fees however, if your account is overdue by more than 90 days, your account will be referred to a collections agency at which time you will incur a 17% additional cost to cover collection agency charges.

Is there a charge for cheques being returned from the bank?

Returned cheques will have a fee of $30.00 applied to an account.

Am I responsible for payment of the ambulance invoice if another person called the ambulance?

The person who receives the treatment and / or transport is the person who is responsible for payment of the ambulance invoice.

If more than one person is transported in the same ambulance, is the bill divided between the patients?

The Ambulance service fee is a fixed rate that is charged per person, not per ambulance.

Do patients who live outside of Winnipeg pay the same rate as someone who lives in Winnipeg?

There are two different rates charged, that relate to where the patient resides:
  1. If a patient resides in Manitoba they are presumed to be paying taxes so the rate is the lowest. Both the Province of Manitoba and the City of Winnipeg fund the cost of the ambulance service through taxation.
  2. If a patient lives outside Manitoba they are presumed to pay no taxes within the province and so the subsidy provided by the Province and the City are not available and the full cost of providing the service is charged.

Is there a charge for mileage or waiting time, etc.?

There are no additional service charges.

Can I make smaller payments on my ambulance invoice to pay the cost over time?

We do allow customers to pay their account over time. Please contact us to make these arrangements. Taking this step will prevent the invoice being sent to the collections agency.

What do I do if I need a receipt for my payment?

Please phone (204) 986-3001 and we will arrange to send a receipt to you in the mail.

What do I do if I want to complain about my ambulance invoice?

Complaints can be initiated through our official feedback process.

Why is the rate so high?

The City of Winnipeg operates the ambulance service under an agency agreement with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. This agreement requires the City to charge 50% of the cost of the ambulance service to users of the service as per Manitoba Health policy requirements.

Starting on January 1, 2017, the Province of Manitoba initiated a fee reduction process that limits the charge required from patients:

  • For incident dates from January 1, 2017, the maximum payable directly by an individual living in Manitoba will be $475.
  • For incident dates from April 1, 2017, the maximum payable directly by an individual living in Manitoba will be $425.
  • For incident dates from April 1, 2018, the maximum payable directly by an individual living in Manitoba will be $340.
Full details of this initiative can be found at:

Why am I getting a reminder letter?

Reminder letters are sent to all customers who have not paid their ambulance bill. They are a reminder that the amount is outstanding. The reminder letter is part of our overall process to recover a portion of the cost of the ambulance service from the users of the service in accordance with Shared Health guidelines.

What if I can't pay this bill?

We are committed to offering assistance and flexibility for residents experiencing economic impacts as a result of COVID-19. Residents are encouraged to contact the City to make payment arrangements that will not create additional financial hardship.

What if I don't pay before the due date?

Your account may be referred to a collections agency if it is not paid by the due date.

Why has this reminder letter arrived so long after the incident?

The reminder notice has been delayed following the changeover of systems that handles the invoicing process. Customers generally receive their invoice within two weeks of the incident and should make payment against this invoice when received and then seek reimbursement from their insurer or other agency. Alternatively, customers are encouraged to make contact with the department if they are experiencing financial difficulties as we can arrange for payments over time to spread the financial burden.

Last update: July 5, 2024
Please refer to our Billing Frequently Asked Questions or contact us for more information.

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