Aboriginal Arts Training and Mentorship Program, Manitoba Theatre for Young People
Manitoba Theatre for Young People has been creating and presenting professional theatre productions for children and families since 1982. MTYP has grown to become one of the most respected professional theatre companies in Canada, for children or adults.
Aboriginal Day Live & Celebration
Aboriginal Day Live & Celebration is an annual celebration of Canada’s National Aboriginal Day and the summer solstice. The event features some of the most accomplished Indigenous musicians, including award-winning and up-and-coming artists; it showcases talent from all genres, regions and nations; and ensures the recognition and inclusion of all First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples.
Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre
The aboriginal health and wellness centre is committed to offering a continuum of holistic traditional and contemporary healing resources within aboriginal community of Winnipeg.
Aboriginal Music Program, Manitoba Music
Manitoba Music’s Aboriginal Music Program (AMP) was launched in 2004 to help First Nation, Métis, and Inuit people develop sustainable careers in Manitoba’s music industry. The program delivers projects and services that respond to the needs of the industry as identified by a steering committee.
Aboriginal Recruitment and Training Facebook Group
Check out this Facebook page to view or post jobs, recruitment sites, business or training opportunities for Aboriginals.
Alpha House Project
Alpha House provides protective, affordable, longer term housing for women and children leaving abusive relationships.
Assiniboine Community College – Winnipeg Training Centre
Assiniboine Community College’s Winnipeg Training Centre is located in Winnipeg, Manitoba and offers the Practical Nursing program and continuing studies courses. The Practical Nursing program provides its students with an opportunity to make a difference in the health care profession.
Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs
The Health and Social Development team continues to work closely with the Grand Chief’s Office, the Chiefs Task Force on Health (CTFoH) and the Manitoba First Nations Health Technicians Network (MFNHTN) and Manitoba First Nation Communities. In doing so, we have continued to build on these collaborative relationships to address and prioritize First Nation health issues, discussion of potential governance structures, unification of First Nations in Manitoba and networking opportunities.
Birth certificate
An official document issued to record a person's birth, including such identifying data as name, gender, date of birth, place of birth, and parentage.
Canada Learning Bond
The Canada Learning Bond is free money offered to families with young children to help them save for their child's university or college education. It is a program offered by the Government of Canada for low-income families. View Canada Learning Bond Brochure
CancerCare Manitoba – Volunteer Services
At CancerCare Manitoba, volunteers team up with medical professionals to work toward the common goal of providing excellent patient care.
CreativeManitoba - Volunteer Opportunities
CreativeManitoba - Volunteer Opportunities is The Arts and Cultural Industries Association of Manitoba. We are a not for profit organization dedicated to supporting the arts and cultural industries of Manitoba and helping to develop sustainable careers for those working in arts and culture.
Manitoba Advocate
The Children’s Advocate ensures the voices of children and youth involved with the child welfare system are heard. Their vision is a safe and healthy society that hears, includes, values, and protects all children and youth.
Children of the Earth
The Children of the Earth High School program believes in the dignity, value, and worth of each individual.
Citizen Equity Committee
The CEC is mandated to advise the Mayor and Council on equity and diversity issues as they impact on City of Winnipeg policies, procedures and services. Providing information, recommendations, and monitoring the progress regarding equity and diversity is the ongoing role of the Committee.
City of Winnipeg
City of Winnipeg Current Job Openings
Build a career and make a difference to your community. We offer a competitive salary, pension and benefits package, a wide range of challenging career choices, and a respectful, diverse, safe and healthy workplace.
Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development
CAHRD is a non-profit, human resource development organization that delivers Literacy, Education, Training and Employment services to the urban Aboriginal population of Winnipeg. CAHRD does this by enhancing the services and programs it provides through successful partnerships with Community, Government, Industry and other Post-Secondary institutions.
Connect Employment Services
To support people with intellectual disabilities to work and participate in the community.
Cultural Sensitivity Training Video
A Winnipeg-made online cultural sensitivity video, developed for community centre volunteers, that captures Winnipeg's unique and rich cultural diversity to enhance awareness and help to build cultural bridges.
Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Housing Authority
Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Housing Authority (DOTCHAI) is non-profit housing authority which serves the housing needs of the First Nation population.
Downtown Winnipeg Biz - Volunteer Opportunities
We’re always looking for volunteers at the BIZ to help with our numerous programs and events. It’s a fun way to meet people, acquire new skills and have fun while you’re at it!
Driver licensing ( Manitoba Public Insurance)
An official document that states that a person may operate one or more types of motorized vehicles, such as a motorcycle, car, truck, or a bus, on a public roadway without in-vehicle supervision.
EPIC Opportunities
Epic Opportunities exists to provide holistic, person centred supports to people with intellectual disabilities and to promote inclusive communities.
Eya Keen Inc.
In 1999, with the guidance of Elders, they Eyaa-Keen Healing Centre was co-founded as a not-for-profit charitable organization. The Co-Directors created a series of victim-oriented Indigenous Mental Health Services called Being Me, Being Free™.
Family Dynamics
The vision of Family Dynamics is for healthy families and strong communities. Their mission is to bring programs, partnerships and resources together to empower and strengthen families and communities. Family Dynamics offers a range of services from family and individual counseling to home-base support for families who want to improve their parenting and home management skills.
Fort White Alive - Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer out here in the "wild", only 5 minutes south of Assiniboine Park, and experience Mother Nature’s four seasons first-hand.
Government of Canada Job Bank
Explore advertised jobs throughout the country using Canada’s Job Bank.
Grace Hospital – Volunteer Opportunities
Grace Hospital is a community hospital, and has always relied on community support. Volunteers have been the cornerstone of Grace Hospital since its inception more than 100 years ago. Volunteers contribute their unique talents, skills, and knowledge to the facility and our community to provide personalized attention to the patients, to enable employees to concentrate on the work for which they are trained and to foster good relations between the hospital and the public which it serves.
Habitat for Humanity – Get Volunteer
Every year, Habitat for Humanity Manitoba relies on hundreds of valuable volunteers to help fulfill its mission of building safe, decent, affordable housing for low-income working families to purchase.
Health Sciences Centre – Volunteer Opportunities
Health Sciences Centre has a variety of volunteer opportunities divided into five main areas: Direct Adult Patient Contact, Hospitality Service, Direct Pediatric Patient Contact, Retail, and Support Service.
Ikwe Widdjiitiwin
Ikwe Widdjiitiwin’s mission is to support Aboriginal women and their children end family violence, by offering shelter during crisis and nurturing hope, change and empowerment for tomorrow.
Immigrant Centre Manitoba Inc. – Volunteer Services
The Immigrant Centre depends on volunteers to enhance its services to newcomers. Click the title for a list of some of the ways volunteers are involved at the Immigrant Centre.
Indian Status
An individual recognized by the federal government as being registered under the Indian Act is referred to as a Registered Indian (commonly referred to as a Status Indian).
Indigenous Health Group
Indigenous Health Group Inc. is a privately owned and operated Aboriginal health care company based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The company provides professional health care and health management services for national, regional and local governments as well as the private sector.
Jobs and Career Info Guide From Winnipeg Libraries
This guide is a librarian-curated list of links to local, provincial and national resources designed to help you prepare for and conduct a successful job search.
Just TV
Just TV provides youth with opportunities to express themselves through multimedia in a safe, fun, creative environment.
Ka Ni Kanichihk
We provide Aboriginal identified programs and services that focus on wholeness and wellness and that build on the strengths and resilience of Aboriginal peoples. We do this to help people to help themselves, to build healthy relationships and to create a sustainable future for our community.
Knowles Centre – Biimautaziiwin Aboriginal Cultural Program
Knowles Centre is a non-profit treatment centre for young people with emotional and behavioral difficulties.
Legislative Assembly of Assiniboia
Saturday from March 9, 1870, to June 24, 1870, with Louis Riel as its president, and a council representing French and English communities equally. It was formed during the Red River Resistance and ratified the Manitoba Act in June of 1870, allowing Manitoba’s entry into Confederation.
Living Prairie Museum - Volunteer Opportunities
Do you love nature? Do you like working with children and the public? If you answered 'yes' then the Living Prairie Museum is for you! Volunteers play an essential part at the Living Prairie Museum. From prairie management to conducting nature hikes or extension programs, volunteers are actively involved in environmental education and preservation of the tall grass prairie.
Louis Riel Institute
The Louis Riel Institute Adult Learning Centre strives to offer an academic atmosphere where learners experience a sense of belonging in a supportive, self-directed and teacher mediated environment.
lyndaLibrary is a version of the popular service tailored for libraries. is a leading online learning company that helps anyone learn business, software, technology and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals.
MacDonald Youth Services
Youth Resource Centre. Short term shelter for youth 12-17. Drop in counseling, clothing and food.
Main Street Project
Main Street Project provides a safe, respectful and accessible place for individuals at risk in the Winnipeg community. They offer emergency shelter services and a transitional housing program.
Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre
We are a community mandated, Aboriginal directed and supported human service organization, delivering children in care and community based programs and services to Aboriginal families.
Manito Ahbee Festival
Manito Ahbee is recognized as a leader in transforming relationships to share Indigenous culture and heritage with the world.
Manitoba Aboriginal Sport and Recreation Council
It is important to note that the key goals of the MASRC continue to be focused on advancing and promoting sport and recreation activities to improve the quality of life for all First Nations, Inuit and Métis people through: capacity development and human resources; research; better services; increasing understanding and awareness; promotion and facilitation; developing relationships; and traditional knowledge.
Manitoba Housing Authority
Manitoba Housing rents affordable and suitable housing to Manitobans in need. Manitoba Housing administers and manages approximately 13,100 rental housing residences across the province and strives to provide quality housing at an affordable rent to individuals, seniors, and families. Manitoba Housing does not provide emergency housing.
Manitoba Government Finding Work Resources
Check out Manitoba Government’s Resource for Residents search engine to help you find programs and services to assist your needs.
Manitoba Health, Healthy Living and Seniors
Manitoba Health, Healthy Living and Seniors is a department within the Government of Manitoba. The department operates under the provisions of the legislation and responsibilities of the Minister of Health. The legislation, as well as emerging health and health care issues, guide the planning and delivery of health care services for Manitobans.
Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre Inc.
Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre is a non-profit educational organization with a mandate to promote awareness and understanding of Indigenous cultures to all interested people.
Manitoba Metis Federation – Health and Wellness
Established in 2005, the MMF Health & Wellness Department plays a leadership role in its vision of 'A Well Metis Community' by developing and using knowledge that is culture-based and holistic.
Manitoba Identification Card ( Manitoba Public Insurance)
The Manitoba Identification Card is a voluntary, government-issued, secure photo identification card that you can use to prove your identity, age and Manitoba residency.
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology
We’re dedicated to helping you launch your first career, your next career… or explore a lifetime passion in more depth. Whether you’re 15 or 50, Canadian, or an international student looking to study in Canada – MITT can equip you with the skills in sought after fields that employers want.
Manitoba Inuit Association
The MIA board has long been concerned with the health and wellbeing of long-term Inuit residents, as well as new arrivals.
Manitoba Inuit Association’s Cultural and Community Connections
This page shares upcoming projects, activities, and events that aim to increase opportunities for Inuit cultural connections and share Inuit knowledge amongst Inuit by conducting specific workshop and activities to build and sustain Inuit culture, language and values.
Mental Health Resource Guide for Winnipeg
This guide is intended to assist individuals, families, friends or professionals to access information on a variety of services and supports available in community of Winipeg
Metis Resource Centre of Canada Inc.
Website not available
The MIA board has long been concerned with the health and wellbeing of long-term Inuit residents, as well as new arrivals.
Address: 506-63 Albert Street, Winnipeg, MB R3B 1G4
Phone: (204) 956-7767
The Metis Culture & Heritage Resource Centre provides cultural, education and social programming for Métis peoples and all others who are interested in Métis culture and history.
National Aboriginal Diabetes Association
NADA is a not-for-profit members-led organization established in 1995 as a result of the rising rates of diabetes in Aboriginal communities. NADA envisions diabetes-free people.
Native Reflections
Native Reflections is an organization that produces school, office and business products - our target market is the Aboriginal population so all products are illustrated with images from Native Culture and all models are of Aboriginal decent.
Native Women’s Transition Centre
Since 1979, the Native Women’s Transition Centre Inc. (NWTC) has worked to support and strengthen Aboriginal women and mothers on their journey of healing and recovery from family violence, addictions, intergenerational issues and institutionalization. The Native Women’s Transition Centre offers two housing services: Memengwaa Place and Kihiw Iskewock (Eagle Women) Lodge.
Ndinawemaaganag Endaawaad
Short term shelter for youth 11-17. Provides meals, clothing, and access to medical assistance.
Neechi Commons
Neechi is greatly expanding its North End tradition as a well known Aboriginal grocery and specialty store. It is truly a community store, based around the principles of an Aboriginal owned and operated worker co-operative. Neechi Foods is open to the public seven days a week. We are well-known for our oven-fresh bannock, fresh and frozen wild blueberries, wild rice, local fruits and vegetables, Manitoba-caught fish, specialty jams, hand-crafted moccasins, Aboriginal artwork and children’s books.
New Directions
New Directions provides supports to children, adolescents and adults in a variety of settings. Individuals may have an intellectual disability and/or physical disability and/or use American Sign Language to communicate. The range of supports we provide include day services to 24/7 staff residential settings to independent living where staff provide assistance only in identified targeted areas.
North End Youth
These are the 5 Main Categories of They provide a wide range of information, links and assistance with many issues in the North End. The Categories include Careers & Learning, Health, Family & Safety, North End Youth Council, Sports & Recreation, and Our Neighbourhood Places
To provide culturally based restorative justice practices to those in conflict with the law, while assuring that healing occurs for those harmed and our society is safer through prevention of recidivism.
Opportunities for Employment
Since 1996, Opportunities for Employment has offered a range of services for Winnipeg job seekers and employers alike. Our mandate is to prepare individuals for meaningful employment and connect them with employers who are actively recruiting.
Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak Employment and Employment Development Opportunities
Explore the different employment and Employment Development programs provided by Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak and its community partners!
Patal Vocational Schools
Patal’s community, employer and labor sector relationships, combined with the caring, experience, and professionalism of the staff enables our students to forge new paths in their world and become community role models, good employees and good family members.
Province of Manitoba’s Aboriginal Cultural Initiative Program
The Aboriginal Cultural Initiatives Program provides funding assistance to Powwow celebrations recognized as being signature community events. The program supports the cultural component of each event.
Reaching E-quality Employment Services
To promote, facilitate and maintain the employment of people with physical disabilities or health conditions by providing diverse and customized employment, training and consultation services.
Red River College – School of Indigenous Education
The School of Indigenous Education works cooperatively with the community, students, and staff to ensure Aboriginal students have access to the supports and services needed to successfully complete their program at Red River College. The division offers a number of academic programs including the ACCESS Model Program and an Aboriginal Student/Resource Centre that offers students a home away from home.
Residential Tenancies Branch
The Residential Tenancies Branch can help you by providing information on matters such as rent, repairs and deposits and mediating disputes between tenants and landlords. They provide information on your rights and responsibilities during a tenancy, investigate problems, and hold hearings to make decisions and issue orders on certain issues.
Resource Assistance for Youth (RaY)
Provides access to emergency and long-term affordable housing for youth up to age 29.
Salvation Army – Residential Services
The Salvation Army’s Booth Centre Ministries offers short and long-term accommodations and meals for up to 250 men and women in a clean, safe and secure environment. Care for an additional 60 persons is offered through Booth Centre Ministries’ SonRise Village Family Shelter.
Siloam Mission – Volunteer
A connecting point between the compassionate and Winnipeg’s less fortunate, Siloam Mission is a Christian humanitarian organization that alleviates hardships and provides opportunities for change for those affected by homelessness.
Statistics Canada
- Statistics Canada, Projections of the Aboriginal Population and households in Canada, 2011-2036
- The Daily – Topics related to Aboriginal Peoples
- Statistics Canada, Aboriginal Peoples
- Aboriginal Insights Newsletter, Winter 2017
- Aboriginal Insights Newsletter, Autumn 2015
- Aboriginal Insights Newsletter, Spring 2015
Aboriginal Insights Newsletters
St. Boniface Hospital – Volunteer
Volunteers are an important part of St. Boniface Hospital (SBH) and have a long-lasting impact on the patient’s experience. St. Boniface Hospital is fortunate to benefit from the talent and expertise of over 350 volunteers who donate over 40,000 hours of their time to the Hospital each year.
Supporting Employment and Economic Development
To reduce poverty and assist in the renewal of primarily inner city communities by providing capacity building services that assist low-income individuals, groups, organizations and economically distressed neighborhoods to improve their social and economic vitality.
Teekca’s Aboriginal Boutique
Teekca’s Aboriginal Boutique is a unique Aboriginal shop catered to provide gifts crafted by the first peoples of North America. The artisans incorporate the history, geopgraphy and culture into their beautiful wares and artwork by drawing upon the natural resources from the land.
The Wah-sa Gallery
The Wah-sa Gallery, located in the Johnson Terminal at The Forks, is devoted to Canadian Aboriginal art.
The Winnipeg Humane Society – Volunteer
Volunteers at The Winnipeg Humane Society are special people who give their time to make a difference in the lives of homeless animals.
Traditional First Nation Community Names
Learn how to pronounce the names of all the First Nations communities in Manitoba with this series of helpful videos. The 30 second videos created by the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre feature a member from that community to teach you how to pronounce the community name and explain the meaning and origin. The adjustable map lets you display communities from a specific culture: Cree, Dene, Oji-Cree, Ojibway, and Dakota; to show where the different cultures are located.
United Way of Winnipeg – Volunteer
United Way relies on hundreds of volunteers to guide their work and carry out important tasks. Depending on the time of year, there may be a volunteer opportunity that fits with your interests and schedule.
University of Manitoba, Indigenous Student Centre
Providing student support in a manner consistent with the culture and values of Aboriginal Peoples for the purpose of increasing/enhancing the accessibility and retention of Aboriginal students. The Indigenous Student Centre is dedicated to the creation of an educational environment that includes the affirmation of Aboriginal cultures, values, languages, history, and way of life by virtue of increasing the knowledge foundation offered at the University of Manitoba.
University of Winnipeg – Aboriginal Students Services Centre
The Aboriginal Student Services Centre (ASSC) has been created to maintain a safe, educational and culturally sensitive environment for all Aboriginal students (First Nation, Metis and Inuit) as they pursue their academic studies at The University of Winnipeg. The ASSC strives to provide continuous student support and resources that will foster resilience in students to succeed from the application process to Convocation.
Urban Circle Training Centre
At Urban Circle, our goal is to provide culturally appropriate education and training to First Nations, Metis, and Inuit women and men in Winnipeg. Since 1991, we have offered certified programming that connects to both our cultural teachings and labour-market demands. At our Centre, students are provided with a sense of belonging and community, and we are committed to enriching the quality of their educational experience by providing them with opportunities for personal growth and success.
Urban Shaman Contemporary Aboriginal Art
Urban Shaman is an Aboriginal artist-run centre dedicated to meeting the needs of artists by providing a vehicle for artistic expression in all disciplines and at all levels by taking a leadership role in the cultivation of Indigenous art.
Volunteer Manitoba
Volunteer Manitoba's goal is to provide information, training and resources on all aspects of the voluntary sector and to build strong communities with working partners including governments, researchers, non-profit/charitable organizations, volunteers, funders, donors, labour and businesses.
Volunteer Winnipeg
Nonprofit organizations in Winnipeg post their volunteer opportunities and positions, and individuals (e.g., youth, seniors, persons with disabilities) browse and choose what opportunities interest them. Individuals interested in volunteering will be able to contact nonprofit organizations directly through email.
Winnipeg Aboriginal Film Festival
The Winnipeg Aboriginal Film Festival is the 3rd largest festival in North America dedicated to showcasing the best new indigenous film and video from across Canada, the US and around the world. Both on and off screen, WAFF’s mandate is to celebrate and cultivate indigenous storytelling.
Winnipeg Aboriginal Sport Achievement Centre
WASAC ensures that all participants have the necessary “tools” required for active participation. These “tools” remove the barriers that hinder participation and will have an impact on Aboriginal people’s quality of life.
Winnipeg Animal Services - Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers work with dogs that have been deemed suitable for adoption. Volunteers perform a valuable service by spending time with the dogs that are waiting for someone to take them to a permanent home! In doing so, these kenneled animals receive the TLC they deserve, become or continue to be accustomed to being with people and are easier to adopt out.
Winnipeg Folk Festival – Looking to Volunteer
Volunteering with the Winnipeg Folk Festival is a rewarding experience and a great way to support the festival!
Winnipeg Harvest - Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer orientations run regularly each month at Winnipeg Harvest. If you are interested in participating, you will learn about our mission, vision and goals. You will also have the opportunity to learn how Winnipeg Harvest functions on a daily basis and how you can help out! All are welcome to attend. Children under 14 years old must be accompanied by an adult.
Winnipeg Housing
Winnipeg Housing’s vision is to lead the way to bring positive change to the lives of individuals and families throughout Winnipeg neighborhoods by providing affordable housing.
Winnipeg Libraries - Volunteer Opportunities
Winnipeg Public Library has several opportunities available to volunteer for adults. Volunteer needs fluctuate and placements may not be immediately available.
Winnipeg Police Services - Volunteer Opportunities
The Winnipeg Police Service has two separate and distinct volunteer programs: The Community Volunteer Program and The Victim Service Volunteer Program.
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority’s Aboriginal Cultures Awareness Programs
This page identifies the various programs available through the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority around Aboriginal cultures awareness, including their Aboriginal Cultures Awareness Workshops, Traditional Aboriginal Teachings, Sweat Lodge Teaching, and more.
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Aboriginal Health Resources
Aboriginal Health Programs is a program operating within the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority with three branches that include Health Services, Workforce Development and Health Education.
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority - Volunteer Opportunities
WRHA Community Health and Corporate volunteers support a wide range of health programs and services, which vary from direct client service to community and staff support. Whether you want to work directly with people receiving health services or contribute your time and talents in other areas, we will effectively match your interests to your WRHA volunteer experience. Many factors are considered when matching volunteers to a placement, including your availability, your interests and skills and our current vacancies.
Winnipeg School Division Volunteer Program
The Winnipeg School Division Volunteer Program enables interested parents and members of the community to assist administrators, teachers and other school personnel in helping young people more fully develop their skills, their potential as individuals, and their mastery of subject matter.
Winnipeg Trading Post
Winnipeg Trading Post takes pride in showcasing the work of our supportive artistic community. All products are handcrafted, making each and every item exclusive and unique. Stop in today to shop our inventory or, simply place a custom order.
Winnipeg Transition Centre
A warm, welcoming place where you are treated with dignity and respect while being supported in the achievement of your personal learning goals.
Winnipeg Public Library Youth Advisory Councils - Volunteer Opportunities
A Youth Advisory Council is a group of Winnipeg teens who want to help keep Winnipeg's libraries lively and interesting. You'll get impressive work experience for your resume, volunteer hours and you'll have tons of fun doing so!
YMCA of Winnipeg - Volunteer Opportunites
Volunteers work alongside staff members – leading fitness classes, teaching children, encouraging youth leaders, providing guidance through YMCA boards/committees and more..
Youth Employment Services Manitoba
To empower Manitoba’s Youth in order to secure meaningful employment and contribute to our province’s growth and prosperity.
Social Insurance Number
A number issued in Canada to administer various government programs. The SIN was created in 1964 to serve as a client account number in the administration of the Canada Pension Plan and Canada's varied employment insurance programs.