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Ness Avenue at Sturgeon Creek Culvert Replacement
This project is now complete.
Project Update – April 2018
Construction of the Ness Avenue Bridge over Sturgeon Creek and associated Roadworks on Ness Avenue was substantially completed in the fall of 2016, with the roadway opening to pedestrians and traffic in October 2016. Outstanding seasonal deficiencies such as landscaping were completed over the summer of 2017.
Project Update – June 2017
Construction continues and expected to the completed later this summer.
Project Update – September 01, 2016
Construction is on schedule with completion expected in October 2016. All components of the new bridge are complete, its approaches and under-bridge paths are currently being built. Roadwork on the East side of the new bridge, between Valley View Drive and Pebblewood Lane, is complete. Roadwork on the West side of the new bridge, between School Road and Wharton Boulevard, is ongoing.
Traffic flows through and around the area appear to still be working well. The round-about at Sturgeon Road at Silver Avenue was opened in July 2016. The no right-turn restriction from Hamilton Avenue to Valley View Place during peak morning rush hours of 7:00 am to 9:00 am has been removed. Winnipeg Transit buses 24 Ness Express and 25 Ness Super Express are no longer rerouted via Sturgeon Road, Portage Avenue, and School Road. These Winnipeg Transit buses are now on route via Sturgeon Road, Silver Avenue, Hamilton Avenue, and Vimy Road (Eastbound) or Parkhill Street (Westbound).
The City of Winnipeg thanks residents for its patience while construction is underway, which is expected to be complete by the end of October, 2016.
Photos for project update: Photo 1 | Photo 2 | Photo 3
Project Description:
The existing Ness Avenue at Sturgeon Creek culvert will be replaced with a new high level bridge with a 75 year lifespan. This will:
- improve safety and functionality;
- prevent roadway flooding;
- provide bank stability and protect against erosion;
- improve active transportation through the site;
- improve surrounding roadways through reconstruction and rehabilitation;
Project Update – February 22, 2016:
Construction is underway and is on schedule. Foundations for the new bridge have been installed and concrete substructure work, in-stream work, and sewer outfall work is ongoing.
After the initial acclimatization phase, traffic flows through and around the area appears to be working well. To maintain safety on Valley View Drive, a no right turn restriction from Hamilton Avenue to Valley View Place during peak morning rush hours of 7:00 am to 9:00 am has been installed.
The opening of Silver Avenue eastbound from Hamilton Avenue to Sturgeon Road is delayed due to required Manitoba Hydro relocations of poles at the Sturgeon Road and Silver Avenue roundabout. Hydro pole relocation work has just started. Expected completion of the relocation and opening of Silver Avenue eastbound from Hamilton Avenue to Sturgeon Road is in May 2016.
Due to this delay in the commencement of the Hydro installations for the roundabout, the 24 Ness Express and 25 Ness Super Express will continue to reroute via Sturgeon Road, Portage Avenue, and School Road. The reroute will continue to be in place in the coming months until the Hydro work is completed and Silver Avenue can be fully opened from Hamilton Avenue to Sturgeon Road. We apologize for the inconvenience.
The City of Winnipeg thanks residents for its patience while construction is underway.
Project Update – December 1, 2015:
Construction to begin in early December 2015
The Ness Avenue over Sturgeon Creek bridge construction project will begin in early December 2015. As a result, Ness Avenue between School Road and Valley View Drive will be closed from December 2015 to October 2016. Ness Avenue between Valley View Drive and Heritage Boulevard will be closed to vehicular traffic beginning in spring 2016, and Ness Avenue between Wharton Boulevard and School Road, and between Heritage Boulevard and Pebblewood Lane will be limited to one lane of staged traffic beginning in spring 2016. Please see the traffic staging plan for more information.
Winter construction allows creek, embankment and bridge foundation works to be completed prior to the "no in-stream work period" in the spring and minimizes the construction schedule. Bridge superstructure concrete works, road works, and sewer and water renewals will be completed over the summer and early fall.
Transit routes #24 and #25 will be rerouted. Buses on Ness Avenue will use Sturgeon Road, Portage Avenue, and School Road until the roundabout at Sturgeon Road and Silver Avenue is open. For the duration of the project buses will use Sturgeon Road, Silver Avenue, Hamilton Avenue, and Vimy Road (Eastbound)/Parkhill Street (Westbound). Please see the transit re-route maps for additional information: Dec 2015 to Feb 2016 | Feb 2016 to Oct 2016
The Sturgeon Creek Greenway Trail paths on the west bank of Sturgeon Creek will be closed north and south of the construction site.
Construction work will be carried out between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Monday to Friday and as required between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays.
The City of Winnipeg realizes that the construction work will be disruptive and we will endeavor to complete the work as quickly and efficiently as possible. We thank citizens for their patience.
Repairs to select existing streets
Minor needed repairs were carried out in October 2015 on School Road between Portage Avenue and Ness Avenue, and on Vimy Street and Parkhill Street between Ness Avenue and Hamilton Avenue in preparation for the upcoming bridge construction. It is anticipated that slightly increased traffic levels will occur on those streets because of traffic and transit detours.
Local traffic study
In spring of 2015, local traffic counts were taken in the area to confirm whether modifications to the existing traffic controls are required. Currently there is a 2-way stop sign at Ness and School Road and a pedestrian crossing west of the intersection. Following analysis, it was confirmed that these traffic controls are appropriate.
Project Update - September 9, 2015:
Land Drainage Sewer "Sink Hole" at the Southwest Corner of the Bridge
A land drainage sewer "sink hole" opened up on Friday, September 4, 2015, southwest of the bridge at one of the land drainage sewer outfalls, eroding the ground. The outfall pipes were in poor condition and are slated to be replaced as part of the upcoming bridge construction. A "sink hole" is created when a gap in the pipe allows rain water to enter and erode soils surrounding the pipe until the surface collapses. Ness Avenue between School Road and Valley View has been closed until repairs are completed. Repairs to restore conditions and open Ness Avenue will be undertaken by the Water and Waste Department and will be completed as quickly as possible.
Public Information Session:
A Public Information Session was held January 13, 2015.
The open house display boards show information about the project including:
- Traffic in the area;
- Potential detours;
- Access during construction;
- Transit detours;
- Project timelines;
- Environment impacts.