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Arena Renewal Program
- About This Project
- Timeline
- FAQs
About This Project
The 2020 budget called for the City to invest up to $50 million in recreation and library facilities.
On May 26, 2022, Council directed the Public Service to use $8 million in arena funding to fund the repair and maintenance of the following arenas:
- Ab McDonald
- Bertrand
- Billy Mosienko
- Century
- Charles A. Barbour
- Charlie Gardiner
- Eric Coy
- Maginot
- River East
- Sam Southern
- Sargent Park
- Terry Sawchuk
- West Kildonan
- St. Vital
- Allard
- A Community Centre Arena in each ward where there is not a City arena
Each of the arenas is to receive a minimum of $100,000.
This funding will support the continuity of arena operations and maintain service levels for the residents of Winnipeg.
This project is funded by the Government of Manitoba.
Phase 1: Priorities at City-operated Arenas (In Progress)
Projects addressing priorities at the 12 City-operated arenas are currently underway. The planning and procurement of these projects occurred over 2023-2024, with all projects being completed in 2025. The total funding currently allocated to these projects is approximately $4 million.
Some projects undertaken include:
- Upgraded rink lighting at 2 arenas
- Roof replacements at 2 arenas
- Electrical upgrades at 12 arenas
- Mechanical upgrades at 4 arenas
- Ice control upgrades at 11 arenas
- Updated carbon monoxide sensors at 12 arenas
- New score clocks at 3 arenas
Phase 2: Priorities at Community Centre Indoor Arenas and Allard Arena (In Progress)
The Public Service developed and issued a Request for Proposal (RFP 570-2023) to secure professional consulting services to undertake comprehensive Building Condition Assessments to determine the maintenance and repair needs at the following arenas:
- Allard
- Dakota
- Garden City
- Glenwood
- Maples
- Richmond Kings
- St. Norbert
- Transcona East End
- West Kildonan Memorial
The assessments are underway and will provide repair and upgrade recommendations, along with cost estimates, associated with each facility’s architectural, structural, mechanical, and electrical components, systems, and services. The assessments will also provide a framework to support the long-term maintenance and renewal plans of the arena assets going forward.
The completed Building Condition Assessments are expected by the end of 2024.
Funding will be allocated to projects based on the City's review of completed assessments.
Phase 3: City Operated Arena Projects (In Progress)
- Planning is underway for the next batch of projects to address necessary priorities at City-operated arenas
- Project implementation will occur in 2024/2025
- This will result in the remaining balance of the $8 million in project funding being allocated
Frequently Asked Questions
Community Centre facilities (including indoor arenas) and grounds are owned by the City of Winnipeg and managed by Community Centre volunteer boards.
The annual operating grant from the City does not fund indoor arena assets that have revenue-generating capacity, such as:
- Indoor arena ice surfaces
- Bleachers
- Mechanical and Zamboni rooms that solely service indoor ice operations
Indoor arenas are funded for heated areas, which include:
- Dressing rooms
- Foyers
- Canteens
- Offices
- Washrooms
Community Centres receive varying amounts of operating grant funding, based on the:
- Heated square footage of individual Community Centre facilities
- Population base of each Centre's catchment boundary
- Number of outdoor hockey rinks operating for each Community Centre
Not all Community Centres with indoor arenas are eligible to receive funding for repairs and maintenance. Community Centres must be situated in a ward with no City-operated arena to receive a portion of this funding.
The $8 million allocated to the Arena Renewal Program is part of the Recreation and Library Facility Investment Strategy funding approved in 2022. Funding for the Recreation and Library Facility Investment Strategy is provided by the Government of Manitoba.
Information on the financial status of the Arena Renewal Program can be found on the Open Capital Projects Dashboard.