Seven Oaks Pool Redevelopment

The Seven Oaks Pool re-opened to the public on March 28, 2019.

Renovations include: new family change rooms, universally-accessible washrooms, an enhanced public lobby, a new meeting space, a small teach pool, and a new indoor spray pad – the first of its kind in Winnipeg.
The project received Canada 150 funding from the Government of Canada, as well as Building Communities II Initiative funding from the City of Winnipeg and the Province of Manitoba for a total funding commitment of $9.7 million.
In 2018, Council approved an additional $2.4 million as a first call on the 2019 Budget for Concrete Restoration and Air Handling Unit Replacement at Seven Oaks Pool. This remediation of the existing pool building is being delivered concurrently with the Seven Oaks Pool Redevelopment project.