Community Safety Strategic Action Planning Project
The City of Winnipeg (City) is committed to healthy, crime-free neighbourhoods and a collaborative, broad-scale, and complete approach to safety and security. There are numerous public and private sector organizations, as well as community agencies, providing services designed to make communities safe and secure or address the root causes of crime. The Community Safety Strategic Action Planning Project will recommend ways in which these organizations can work better together and connect through the support of a new City-based community safety and wellbeing position.
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November 25, 2021
The Community Safety Strategic Action Planning report was received as information by Council on November 25, 2021. The City will now work to implement Council’s recommendations regarding the LiveSAFE Crime Prevention Strategy Policy, as informed by the Community Safety Strategic Action Planning report.
October 14, 2021
The draft Community Safety Strategic Action Planning report will be considered by the Executive Policy Committee on October 20, 2021. If you would like to appear as a delegation, please contact the City Clerk's Department by 4:30 p.m. on October 19, 2021.
A new community safety position was created to assist with the development of a community safety and well-being action plan. Reporting timelines on the plan’s progress to Council are subject to Council approval.
July 27, 2021
The City reached out to community-based program and service providers in 2019 and 2020 to identify barriers and to discuss opportunities to improve the delivery of community safety and wellbeing programs, services, and related initiatives. A stakeholder engagement summary is now available.
A strategic action planning document will be presented to Council in fall 2021.
The City reached out to community-based program and service providers in 2019 and 2020 to identify barriers and discuss opportunities to improve the delivery of community safety and wellbeing programs, services, and related initiatives. A stakeholder engagement summary is now available.
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On July 19, 2018 Council approved that up to $150,000 from the Destination Marketing Reserve be used for consultant services to establish recommendations for the creation of a community safety and wellbeing resource in Winnipeg.
The Community Safety Strategic Action Planning Project (the project) was developed to clarify municipal roles, strengthen regulation of community safety and wellbeing activities, and set a path for a new municipal resource to safeguard long-term policy sustainability.
The project included the following objectives, each of which required engagement with key community-level and organizational-level stakeholders in Winnipeg to complete:
- To assess the current legislative and policy environment regarding community safety and wellbeing in Winnipeg;
- To assess existing City and community-based programs, services, and initiatives that address community safety and wellbeing in Winnipeg;
- To assess existing community safety and wellbeing collaboration methods, networks, and best practices in Winnipeg, and to assess the City’s role in these networks, as well as the community’s perspective on an ideal system for collaboration;
- To assess existing community safety and wellbeing-related City grant funding criteria, processes and practices, and to gather feedback from grant recipients regarding best practices;
- To assess other jurisdictional community safety grant funding processes and practices, as well as models and practices related to community safety offices of responsibility;
- To develop a plan to address future community safety and wellbeing planning in Winnipeg that recommends ways in which these organizations can work better together and connect through the support of a new City-based community safety and wellbeing position; and
- To identify funding options to support implementation of the plan.
The Community Safety Strategic Action Planning Project is a series of engagement and planning activities to support recommendations for the creation of a municipal community safety resource. This plan will clarify roles for the purposes of strengthening regulation of community safety and wellbeing activities and set a path for this resource to safeguard long-term policy sustainability.
The City’s LiveSAFE policy, established in 2008, was designed as an interconnected strategic and collaborative network approach to crime prevention. It was based on the guiding principles of prevention, leadership and coordination, interconnectedness and partnerships, and sustainability and accountability. However, the LiveSAFE policy has not benefitted from sufficient human and funding resources to be realized to its full potential.
For the purposes of this project, community safety is defined as activities, processes, and outputs designed to support children, youth, and adults at risk of becoming involved in crimes or becoming victims of crimes.
Community safety strategic action planning outcomes will apply to the entire city.
The DCSP was created in 2019 to address crime prevention and community safety specifically in the Downtown area. New resources created through the community safety strategic action planning project are expected to work closely with representatives from the DCSP to ensure that efforts are aligned where necessary to address community safety gaps in this geographic area of the city of Winnipeg.
The City has a budget of $150,000 from the Destination Marketing Reserve. City Council approved the funds for the plan in the 2018 capital budget.