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Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Community Services

St. James Civic Centre – Building Systems Upgrade

The St. James Civic Centre, located at 2055 Ness Avenue, closed as of April 1, 2020 for critical upgrades to the existing mechanical and electrical systems and the building envelope.

The south side of the facility (all areas excluding the arena) reopened to the public on Tuesday, September 6, 2022. The arena reopened on Sunday, September 25, 2022.

About This Project

The Building Systems Upgrade project will replace critical mechanical and electrical systems, replace two roofs, repair the concrete arena slab, and bring building systems up to current code. The second floor will be repurposed into a new mechanical and electrical room, and a new material lift will be added to provide better access to storage areas in the basement. Additionally, a fire suppression system will be installed throughout the facility.

The project will also address accessibility requirements, per the City’s Accessibility Design Standards and the Province of Manitoba Legislation passed in 2015. The lobby area will be refreshed, lobby washrooms will be renovated and made accessible, and a Universal Toilet Room will be added. Additionally, the entrance to the arena from the lobby will also be improved and made accessible.

The approved project budget is $9.7 million.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Why are these repairs necessary?

The St. James Civic Centre was built in 1966 and is now 54 years old. A number of existing building systems and assemblies have reached the end of their useful life and require replacement. System failures resulting in unexpected facility closure will occur if these items are not addressed.

What is being done to mitigate service delivery to customers?

The St. James Civic Centre closure will be a temporary disruption of service to many patrons who frequent this location. The City has enhanced swimming lesson opportunities at alternate locations and assisted regular groups and organizations to find alternate facility space, where feasible. Citizens are encouraged to visit the search for alternate aquatic and recreation programs and services available.

How will the City prioritize user groups when allocating available space at alternate locations?

Existing programs and services at alternate recreation facilities will remain largely unaffected. User groups displaced due to the St. James Civic Centre closure were offered alternate space at other City of Winnipeg recreation facilities based on availability, required amenities, and past practice, where feasible.

What is the budget for this capital project?

The approved project budget is $9.7 million.

Why is the proposed expansion to the facility not within the current scope of the project?

The estimated additional $14 million required for expansion would be cost-shared with other levels of government. At present, only a portion of the funding required has been secured. Therefore, the proposed facility expansion will be undertaken as a future project.  Further information on the expansion can be found here St. James Civic Centre – Facility Expansion

Last update: September 26, 2022

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