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Public Works

North East Exchange District Study

This study is now complete.

Public Engagement and Participation (2014)

Public participation will play a key role in the project. Stakeholders and the general public will have multiple opportunities to share their input and assist the project team to prioritize infrastructure improvements throughout the study area. Engagement opportunities will include a public information display session, online survey and an open house.

Public Information Display Session – Highlights:

The following highlights were provided by the public at the Public Information Display Session (PIDS) held on March 25, 2014 at the Pantages Theatre:

  • Incorporate sidewalks on both sides of every street.
  • Ensure adequate street lighting throughout the District.
  • Preserve and protect the area’s heritage elements through design, interpretative signage and public art.
  • Encourage land uses that support activity on the street (e.g. coffee shops, cafes, grocery store, market, etc.).   
  • Implement street, sidewalk and lighting improvements on James Avenue.
  • Incorporate street calming on Lily Street (e.g. speed bumps or roundabouts).
  • Reduce surface parking by developing parkades, which are critical to support future development.
  • Improve pedestrian and cycling connectivity along the river trail (there are currently gaps).
  • Incorporate additional street trees to increase the beauty and value of the area.
  • Incorporate additional street furniture to invite interaction among pedestrians.
  • Enhance pedestrian connections to the river.
  • Encourage community gardening.
  • Incorporate improved garbage/recycling bins.
  • Ensure infrastructure improvements are planned taking the broader area into consideration.
  • Enhance the connection between the future Museum for Human Rights, The Forks and the District.
  • Increase bicycle parking throughout the District, particularly in close proximity to the Concert Hall, Manitoba Museum and other local cultural venues.
  • Create a green, pedestrian-only street within the District.
  • Improve snow-clearing throughout the District.

The purpose of the PIDS was to provide an overview of the North East Exchange District Engineering Study, answer any questions the public in attendance might have had, and encourage attendees to share their input and prioritize infrastructure improvements in the North East Exchange District.

Information Boards from the June 2014 Session.

Last update: January 8, 2020

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