Marion Street Widening and Grade Separation
The Marion Street Widening and Grade Separation Study is now complete.
Please visit the Moving on Marion Street Study for information and to get involved.
Functional Design Study and Public Consultation
Update - February 2017
Moving forward with Marion Dugald Transportation Improvement Study following Council Decision
On November 16, 2016, Council concurred in the Public Service’s recommendation to take the Marion Grade Separation and Widening as information only, and directed the Public Service to investigate lower-cost alternatives to the road alignment that improve traffic operations, safety and enhance pedestrian and cycling accommodation without the inclusion of grade separations or widening along the relevant roads.
Read the report to Council to learn more about the recommendation.
As a result, the City will be initiating a new Marion Dugald Transportation Improvement Study to explore different transportation options in the study area. The City recognizes the need to engage citizens meaningfully and would like to take this opportunity to engage the community, with their guidance. The City's Office of Public Engagement is asking the citizens of Winnipeg what a meaningful engagement process means to them and how they would like to be involved in the Marion Dugald Transportation Improvement Study. The public engagement process for the Marion Dugald Transportation Improvement Study will be developed through guidance from the public and will be managed by the same consulting firm.
To learn more about the engagement process that was undertaken for the Marion Street Widening and Grade Separation study, please read the Executive Summary Report. Your comments on improving this process in the next round of engagement will be critical to ensuring we provide a meaningful engagement process for those interested in the study.
If you would like to stay updated on City of Winnipeg public engagement events, follow the City on Facebook and Twitter or sign up for our newsletter.
Document Name | Date | Type |
Functional Design Study and Public Engagement for Marion Street Widening and Grade Separation Public Engagement Executive Summary | 2016-12-01 | Report |
Council Minutes | 2016-11-16 | Council Meeting Minutes |
Project Update:
The second open house for the Functional Design Study and Public Consultation for Marion Street Widening and Grade Separation was held on Tuesday, April 28th at Archwood School. To view the open house boards and design options that were presented, please click on the link below:
- April 2015 Open House Information Boards
- April 2015 Newsletter (Bilingual)
La deuxiéme séance portes ouvertes dédiée à l'étude sur la conception fonctionnelle et à la consultation publique concernant l'élargissement de la rue Marion et l'aménagement d'un carrefour à niveaux différents a eu lieu le mardi 28 avril à l'école Archwood. Veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous pour voir les scénarios-maquettes de la séance portes ouvertes ainsi que les options de conception qui y ont été présentées.
The first open house for the Functional Design Study and Public Consultation for Marion Street Widening and Grade Separation was held on Thursday, June 12th at Archwood School. To view the open house boards and design options that were presented, please click on the link below:
- June 2014 Open House Information Boards
- June 2014 Newsletter (Bilingual)
La première séance portes ouvertes dédiée à l'étude de la Ville de Winnipeg sur la conception fonctionnelle et à la consultation publique concernant l'élargissement de la rue Marion et l'aménagement d'un carrefour à niveaux différents a eu lieu le 12 juin à l'école Archwood. Veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous pour voir les scénarios-maquettes de la séance portes ouvertes ainsi que les options de conception qui y ont été présentées.
le PDF des scénarios-maquettes
Project Background:
As part of the 2013 Capital Program, City Council approved funding for a functional design study and public consultation program for improvements to Marion Street, including a grade separation of the CPR Emerson Railway.
The project includes a study of the Marion Street-Dugald Road connection, also known as Metro Route 115, to identify options for the realignment and/or widening of Marion Street, and to grade separate at the CPR Emerson railway which runs parallel to Archibald Street. The project will work toward reducing congestion, improving safety, and incorporating new or improved transit, bicycle and pedestrian facilities to improve traffic flow throughout the study area. The improvements could include substantial widening and realignment of Marion Street and an overpass or underpass near Archibald Street.
The study area stretches from Rue Des Meurons to Lagimodiére Boulevard.
Study Area:
Select image for larger version |
The Marion Street area experiences local, commuter, and truck traffic, as well as regular railway use. Delays are common at the Archibald Street intersection, the nearby railway crossing, and Lagimodière Boulevard.
Over the next 20 to 30 years, traffic travelling from new and growing communities, both in and around eastern Winnipeg (West Transcona, Sage Creek, and Oakbank), will continue to increase traffic congestion in the area. New and expanding development, including the Public Market Lands, Warman Road Lands, and St. Boniface Industrial Park, will add to local truck traffic and railway use. Other considerations in this growing area include the increasing need for safe and accessible active transportation routes (walking and cycling) and improved transit connections, including accommodation of future Rapid Transit.
Increased residential and industrial development places significant strain on area roads and infrastructure that were not designed to accommodate the high traffic volumes and varying types of traffic experienced in recent years. In 2011, Council approved the Winnipeg Transportation Master Plan, which identifies improvements along the Marion Street-Dugald Road Connection as a short-term major road network improvement. In 2013, the City contracted MMM Group to conduct this Marion Area Study to determine what specific improvements should be completed to accommodate growing transportation needs in this area over the next 30 years.
Public Participation:
Public participation is an important part of this process. The study team, working in conjunction with a City of Winnipeg Steering Committee, will seek out input from stakeholders and the public on key concerns and considerations for designed improvements, including considerations related to:
- Traffic congestion and safety;
- Existing and future residential, commercial, and industrial development;
- Commercial, retail, and industrial business in the area;
- Pedestrian, cycling, and transit connections and infrastructure;
- The Seine River, community spaces and recreational uses;
- Future Rapid Transit Corridor requirements.
Nov 2013 to Apr 2014 | Conduct technical study, information review, and development of evaluation criteria and preliminary options. |
Feb to June 2014 | Obtain input (on consultation process, evaluation criteria and potential options) through stakeholder and public participation. |
June 2014 to Feb 2015 | Determine most appropriate option and refine the design. |
April 2015 | Obtain feedback on recommended design option through public participation. |
Summer 2015 | Refine and submit functional design. |
Resources & Key Links:
Active Transportation Network
Transportation Master Plan
For more information: Contact 311.