Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Additional activities

Amplified music

You are required to take out a noise permit if you plan to play music through a speaker or have amplified sound at your event.

Playing music at an event may require a special license.


Fireworks are an exciting part of many local celebrations and many renters request to set off fireworks as part of their rental.

Once you complete a park rental, please notify your representative that you wish to conduct a fireworks display as part of your rental. We will put you in touch with the appropriate area technician who will assist you in completing your application through Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service.

Fireworks permits require a minimum 10 business days for processing.

  • The exact location of where the fireworks are going to be discharged must be supplied in order to start the park permitting process.
  • You will be contacted if permission is not granted for the fireworks permit.

The type of permit required depends on the hazard level - low or high - of the fireworks you wish to set off.

Low-hazard fireworks

Low-hazard fireworks permits cover:

  • Fireworks purchased at a local store
  • Any fireworks administered by a non-commercial company

Apply for a consumer fireworks display permit - low hazard

High-hazard fireworks

High-hazard fireworks include:

  • Professional pyrotechnics displays
  • Any fireworks provided and administered by a commercial company

To obtain a high-hazard permit, the person responsible requires accreditation through the Explosive Regulatory Division of Natural Resources Canada, and they must submit a completed permit application for to:

Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service
Fire Prevention Branch
2nd Floor, 185 King St.
Winnipeg, MB R3B 1J1

A park rental permit that is associated with a high-hazard fireworks display is considered tentative and will not be issued until the high-hazard fireworks permit is provided to Park Bookings.

Consumer Fireworks Display Permit & Application Information

Food services

Serving food at an event may require a food handling permit. This is the responsibility of the renter and must be done via the Province of Manitoba's Food Handling Establishment Inspections & Health Permits website.

Inflatable bouncers and tents

Inflatable bouncy toys and tents must come from a commercial company and are only permitted at the following parks:

Additional permits may be required by the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service or Planning, Property and Development and are the responsibility of the booking holder. These include:

  • Special Events Permit (A general guideline for permit approval of special events, temporary tents, large stages, large bleachers, etc.)

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