Completed studies
Once the City completes a Walk Bike study and arrives at a recommended design, the project must be prioritized for budget allocation as funding becomes available. The projects below are ready for construction, but awaiting funding to proceed.
A new bridge is being designed that continues to connect our communities while also meeting modern accessibility standards, providing new and improved active transportation options and better accommodating traffic.
Through this study, a preliminary design for a new Bishop Grandin Walk Bike Bridge over Pembina Highway was developed.
This project will include pedestrian and cycling infrastructure along the route and connections to community destinations.
This project looked at recommendations to improve the livability, safety, and walkability of the neighbourhood by identifying priorities for future improvements to the pedestrian and cycling network.
A preliminary design for a new pedestrian and cycling bridge over the Assiniboine River will be developed to connect Osborne Village to Downtown via McFadyen Park on the north side of the river and Fort Rouge Park on the south side of the river.
This project will create a design for a protected bike lane that connects to the bike lane being constructed south of William Avenue.
A design was prepared for a new walking and cycling path running along the bank of the Red River from River Road to Rivergate Drive.
Identifying a location for a new pedestrian and cycling bridge over the Seine River between Provencher Blvd. and Bishop Grandin Blvd.
The route will be part of the south-east network that will connect the Bishop Grandin Greenway through to St. Boniface.
This project looked at options for a neighbourhood greenway along Ruby Street and Banning Street to link the Wolseley and West Alexander neighbourhoods.