Fitness centres, weight rooms & running tracks
Below is a list of our fitness centres which include weight rooms and indoor Running tracks.
Freight House Recreation and Leisure Centre
200 Isabel St.
Door # 1
- Elliptical trainers
- Stationary bikes
- Treadmills
- Rowing machine
- Resistance training machines
- Free weights
- Speed and heavy (boxing) bag
Peguis Trail Health & Fitness Centre
1400 Rothesay St.
Basement of Chief Peguis Middle School
- Running track (9 laps per mile)
- Elliptical trainers
- Recumbent bikes
- Upright bike
- Treadmills
- Steppers
- Resistance training machines
- Free weights
- Heavy (boxing) bags
Admissions rates
Rules & guidelines
Weight rooms
Please adhere to the following guidelines to ensure that weight training / exercise rooms are clean, safe, and enjoyable places to exercise.
Weight room general rules
- Proper training attire (shirts, shorts/sweat outfits, closed toed and non-skid shoes) is required. Outdoor footwear is not permitted.
- Please use lockers for coats and bags. Gym bags, jackets and change of clothing are not permitted in the workout area.
- Use of weight room restricted to those over 16 years of age or 12 - 15 years with adult supervision.
Weight room safety
- Report any injuries or facility/equipment deficiencies to front desk staff immediately.
- Ensure the pins and collars are secure before using any equipment.
- Do not drop, slam or throw the weights. For your safety we encourage the use of spotters.
- No unauthorized personal weight room equipment to be brought into the weight/exercise room.
- To ensure that user safety is not compromised, exercises and/or equipment should not be modified or used in any unintended manner.
- All equipment must be returned to its proper place.
- For safety reasons please refrain from using cell phones while utilizing weight room equipment.
Weight room etiquette
- Re-sealable water bottles only allowed in weight room. No other food or beverage allowed.
- Please limit the amount of time spent on each station or while utilizing equipment, and allow others to work in as requested.
- Please wipe down equipment with designated disinfectant after you use.
- Respect the equipment and your fellow patron. Do not spit in water fountain or sinks, keep feet off the walls and note that horseplay and offensive language are not permitted.
- Out of consideration of others who may have allergies, please refrain from wearing strong colognes or perfumes.
- Only personal sound systems with headsets allowed. No portable stereo systems.
- People with open sores or infectious diseases are not allowed in the weight room.
- No chalking allowed, use of gloves is recommended.
- POOLS ONLY: Wet bathing suits are not appropriate training attire and are not allowed.
Indoor running tracks
To ensure the track area is a clean, safe & enjoyable environment in which to exercise, please adhere to the following:
Indoor running tracks general rules
- Persons under the age of 8 are not permitted on the track. Persons under the age of 13 years must supervised by an adult (18 years + over).
- Please wear clean shoes and proper walking attire.
- Please observe running direction, even -> odd <- days.
- Please use lockers for coats and bags. Gym bags, jackets and change of clothing are not permitted in the track area.
- Please do not leave valuables in the open – use lockers or where available checking envelopes that can be obtained at the front desk, where available.
- Walking poles are permitted on indoor tracks, provided that rubber boot or bell tips are utilized.
Indoor running tracks safety
- Keep to the inside track of the track except when passing
- Shoulder check and verbalize your intentions before passing. If being passed, please keep your pace consistent as speeding up or slowing down could be hazardous to others
- When slowing to a stop please shoulder check before moving off the track.
- Report any injuries or facility/equipment deficiencies to staff immediately.
- No free weights on the track. Velcro or secured wrist and ankle weights allowed.
Indoor running tracks etiquette
- No spitting or littering.
- Please confine all exercises to warm up areas.
- Out of consideration for others who may have allergies, please refrain from wearing colognes or perfumes.
- Re-sealable plastic water bottles only allowed on the track. No other food or beverage allowed.