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The 2017 Winnipeg Wards Boundaries Commission

In accordance with The City of Winnipeg Charter and following public hearings to gather information, the 2017 Winnipeg Wards Boundaries Commission has prepared a final report establishing the boundaries and names of the 15 Council Wards in the City.


Higher resolution copies of the maps and appendices, are available under sections Final Report and Draft Report.

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Final Report

In accordance with The City of Winnipeg Charter and following public hearings to gather information, the 2017 Winnipeg Wards Boundaries Commission has prepared a final report. The final report and higher resolution copies of the appendices are available below.

The report recommendations come into effect on September 17, 2018.

2017 Wards Boundaries Commission Final Report

Appendix A – Growth Projection Map

Appendix B – Growth Projection Chart

Appendix C – Old City-wide / Council Ward Boundary

Appendix D – New City-wide / Council Ward Boundary Map

Appendix E – New Individual Ward Boundary Maps

All appendices are in PDF file format.

Draft Report

In accordance with The City of Winnipeg Charter and following two initial public hearings to gather information, the 2017 Winnipeg Wards Boundaries Commission has prepared a draft report. A final public hearing to consider the draft report will be held on November 1, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber. The entire draft report and higher resolution copies of the appendices are available below.

2017 Wards Boundaries Commission Draft Report

Appendix A – Growth Projection Map

Appendix B – Growth Projection Chart

Appendix C – Current City-wide / Council Ward Boundary

Appendix D – Map Proposed City-wide / Council Ward Boundary Map

Appendix E – Proposed Individual Ward Boundary Maps

All appendices are in PDF file format.


Under the City of Winnipeg Charter, for electoral purposes, the City is divided into 15 Council Wards. The Commission is required, under Sections 11 to 14 of the City of Winnipeg Charter, to establish ward boundaries for each ward based on the city's population, as determined in the latest Census. Individual ward population may vary by plus or minus 25% of the average ward size.

In establishing the ward boundaries, the Commission is governed not only by population statistics, but also by the following factors set out in the legislation:

  • the community or diversity of interests of the residents of the ward
  • the means of communication between the various parts of the ward
  • the physical features of the ward
  • all other similar and relevant factors

Additionally, to the extent possible, the Commission must include the whole area of a historic community or neighbourhood in the same ward.

Public Hearings

In accordance with the City of Winnipeg Charter, prior to preparing a draft report, the Commission will hold public hearings at which time interested citizens or organizations can make their submissions and comments on a required change to the current ward boundaries.

The Commission wishes to encourage public discussion concerning any boundary or name changes before issuing any draft recommendations and looks forward to hearing from you. Your comments, preferably in writing, will be helpful to the Commission in formulating its recommendations.


Intial public hearing to receive input from the public:
City Hall, Council Chamber, 510 Main Street
Wednesday, September 6, 2017 - 6:00 pm

Second public hearing to receive input from the public:
Jonathan Toews Community Centre, 1188 Dakota St
Thursday, October 5, 2017 - 6:00 pm

Final public hearing to consider the draft report:
City Hall, Council Chamber, 510 Main Street
Wednesday, November 1, 2017 - 6:00 pm

For more information, please contact:

The Winnipeg Wards Boundaries Commission
Susan A. Thompson Building
510 Main Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 1B9
Fax: 204-947-3452

All persons are welcome to attend these public hearings, whether to make an in-person presentation to the commission, or simply to view the proceedings. Please contact the Clerk of the commission by , for further information with respect to making an in-person submission. The deadline for written submissions to the commission has now passed.

If you are unable to attend in person, please note that the public hearings will be live-streamed and will be accessible on the City’s website.

Commission Members

The 2017 Winnipeg Wards Boundaries Commission is made up of:

The Honourable Mr. Justice Ken Hanssen
Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench of Manitoba

Dr. Annette Trimbee
President and Vice-Chancellor of The University of Winnipeg

Marc A. Lemoine
Senior Election Official - City of Winnipeg

Current Population

Populations for each Council Ward, using the 2016 Census Data and the current Council Ward Boundaries are as follows:

Council Ward Population
(2016 Census data)
(2011 Census data)
Population Difference 2011 to 2016 2016 Percentage Difference from Average (47,016) 2016 Population Difference above or below 25% limit
Charleswood - Tuxedo - Whyte Ridge 42,166 42,515 -349 -10.32% 0
Daniel McIntyre 46,882 45,595 1,287 -0.29% 0
Elmwood - East Kildonan 44,268 43,855 413 -5.85% 0
Fort Rouge - East Fort Garry 46,770 45,610 1,160 -0.52% 0
Mynarski 42,394 42,160 234 -9.83% 0
North Kildonan 36,604 36,370 234 -22.15% 0
Old Kildonan 55,215 48,975 6,240 17.44% 0
Point Douglas 45,338 42,675 2,663 -3.57% 0
River Heights - Fort Garry 52,465 50,375 2,090 11.59% 0
South Winnipeg – St. Norbert Ward 68,112 54,150 13,962 44.87% 9,342
St Boniface 59,778 54,145 5,633 27.14% 1,008
St. Charles 32,171 31,910 261 -31.57% -3,091
St. James - Brooklands - Weston 37,561 35,925 1,636 -20.11% 0
St. Vital 53,652 52,345 1,307 14.11% 0
Transcona 41,869 37,020 4,849 -10.95% 0
Total 705,245 663,625 41,620    

Using the current boundaries and the 2016 Census data, the average ward size is 47,016.

As per The City of Winnipeg Charter, Section 13(3), all wards must be within 25% of the average ward size. The low and high ranges for ward population are:

Low End of Range (Average - 25%): 35,262
High End of Range (Average + 25%): 58,770

As shown in the table above under the 2016 Census Data column, all current ward boundaries fall within the acceptable range with the exception of the following three:

  • South Winnipeg – St. Norbert Ward
  • St Boniface Ward
  • St. Charles Ward

The population per Council Ward is also available in excel format.


City of Winnipeg Map

View map showing populations for all City of Winnipeg Wards.

Ward Boundary Maps

View maps showing ward boundaries and census data for all City of Winnipeg Wards.

Census Tract Maps

View maps of individual census tracts.

Frequently Asked Questions
  1. Why is this being considered now?
    On February 24, 2016, Council directed the Winnipeg Public Service to establish a Wards Boundaries Commission (WBC) in 2017.  The City of Winnipeg Charter requires that a WBC occur as Council directs, and a minimum of once every 10 years.
  2. The Council decision of February 24, 2016 requested the Winnipeg Public Service work with Statistics Canada to get data from the 2016 Census.  Is this data available?
    The City Clerk’s Department has worked with various departments in regards to the population data released as part of the 2016 Census data on Feb. 8, 2017.  The department now has the data required from the 2016 Census to conduct a WBC.
  3. Why is the 2016 Census data important?
    The Charter requires that the WBC base its findings on the most current census data available.  If the 2016 Census data were not available, the WBC would be required to use the 2011 Census data, which would not reflect current population densities and would likely result in poor decisions by the WBC.
  4. What is the 2016 Census data used for?
    The Charter requires that, after the WBC is completed, all wards must be no more than 25% above or below the average ward size.  Based on current ward boundaries and the 2016 Census data, three ward populations are outside the 25% limit.  At minimum, these three wards would have to be revised by the WBC.
  5. When would the WBC occur?
    The Charter requires that a minimum of two public hearings take place: an initial hearing to gather input and a final hearing to review the proposed ward boundary changes. Additional hearings are scheduled at the discretion of the Commission. The hearings are scheduled as follows:

    ◾ Initial public hearing - Wednesday, September 6, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.
    ◾ Second public hearing - Thursday, October 5, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.
    ◾ Final public hearing - Wednesday, November 1, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.

    A final report outlining the new ward boundaries will be presented to Council at its December 2017 meeting.
  6. How does this schedule compare to previous WBC processes?
    The last WBC, which took place in 2009, convened three public hearings before releasing its final report. The final report outlining the decision of the WBC was sent to Council for information at its meeting in December 2009.
  7. Would the 2017 WBC decisions, as per the proposed timeline in question # 5, apply to the 2018 Civic Election?
    Yes. The new Council Ward boundaries would become effective at the close of the nomination period for the 2018 Civic Election.
  8. Will the WBC process change the number of Council Wards before the next election?
    No. The number of ward boundaries can only be changed via a by-law passed by Council. Council can change the number of wards to any odd number greater than 15, however the deadline to do so was April 24, 2017 (18 months prior to the election). Therefore, the WBC will develop new boundaries based on the current 15 Council Wards.
  9. Will there be costs incurred?
    There are no significant costs to implement new ward boundaries.  There are some costs to undertake the WBC, and these are included in the City Clerk’s 2017 budget.
  10. Who sits on the WBC?
    The Charter specifies that the WBC be comprised of the:

    ◾ Senior Election Official for the City of Winnipeg
    ◾ President of University of Winnipeg
    ◾ Chief Justice of Court of Queen’s Bench

Wards Boundaries Commission Public Hearing

November 1, 2017

October 5, 2017

September 6, 2017

Last update: December 6, 2017


Wards Boundaries Commissions Clerk
Main Fl, Susan. A Thompson Building
510 Main Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 1B9

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