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Thanksgiving – Monday, October 14. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Thanksgiving – Monday, October 14. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Community Services

Converted Residential Dwelling with Shared Facilities Licence

A converted residential dwelling:

  • Is a building that contains a residential occupancy.
  • Has a maximum building height of three stories.
  • Was originally designed for use by one or two families but has since been converted to provide more than two suites.
  • Was originally designed for use by one or two families but has been converted to provide more than one suite with a commercial occupancy.

A shared facilities dwelling is:

  • A dwelling that is designed for sanitary facilities or cooking facilities to be shared by occupants of three or more dwelling units, whether or not the dwelling units are occupied.
  • A dwelling where sanitary facilities or cooking facilities are shared by two or more residents of a dwelling unit that is not operated under a single tenancy.

A shared facility does not include:

Application Process:

There are several ways to access the converted residential dwelling with shared facilities licence application form:

  • Use this link to access the application form online.
  • contact Licensing & Bylaw Enforcement to request an application by mail.
  • Visit Licensing & Bylaw Enforcement and pick up the application in person.


Upon application, Licensing & Bylaw Enforcement will coordinate the following:

  • Verification from a City employee authorized to administer and enforce the Winnipeg Zoning By-law or the Downtown Winnipeg Zoning By-law that operation of the business on the premises for which the Licence is sought is permitted under one of those two zoning by-laws
  • Verification from an individual authorized to administer and enforce the Neighbourhood Liveability By-law that the operation of the business on the premises for which the Licence is sought would not violate that By-law
  • A copy of an occupancy permit authorizing the business to occupy the premises for which the Licence is sought
  • Verification from a City employee authorized to administer and enforce the Residential Fire Safety By-law No. 4304/86 that the premises at which the business is proposed to be operated or carried on meets the requirements of that By-law


See Licence Fees.

Fees are not permitted to be pro-rated or reduced, however, a recent Council approved amendment to the Community Safety Business Licensing By-law now allows annual licences to be taken at any time of the year.  Licences are valid for one year from date of purchase.

Renewal Period:



Fire Inspection | By-law Enforcement Inspection

Application Form:

Application for Multiple Family Dwelling

Contact Information:

Licensing & Bylaw Enforcement

Other Information:

See also Converted Residential Dwelling

See also Shared Facilities Dwelling

Last update: January 5, 2024

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