Precious Metals Dealer Licence
A Precious Metals Dealer is a person who carries on the business of dealing in precious metals. Precious metals include; gems and other precious stones; gold, silver, platinum and other similar metals, paper money of numismatic value and jewelry consisting of precious stones or precious metals.
Application Process:
The application form is available online.
You can also contact Licensing & Bylaw Enforcement to request an application by mail, or visit Licensing & Bylaw Enforcement and pick up the application in person.
Upon application, Licensing & Bylaw Enforcement will coordinate the following:
- Verification from a City employee authorized to administer and enforce the Winnipeg Zoning By-law or the Downtown Winnipeg Zoning By-law that operation of the business on the premises for which the Licence is sought is permitted under one of those two zoning by-laws
- An occupancy permit authorizing the proposed business to occupy the premises for which the Licence is sought
- Verification from the Fire Paramedic Chief or delegate that the operation of the business on the proposed premises meets the requirements of the Fire Prevention By-law, the Manitoba Fire Code and other regulatory requirements relating to fire safety
- Certificate of Record Review Board from Winnipeg Police Service
See Licence Fees.
Fees are not permitted to be pro-rated or reduced, however, a recent Council approved amendment to the Community Safety Business Licensing By-law now allows annual licences to be taken at any time of the year. Licences are valid for one year from date of purchase.
Renewal Period:
Application Form:
Application for Business Licence
Contact Information:
Other Information:
See also Used Goods Dealer.
Applicants may be required to provide suitable identification.