Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.
Welcome to Water and Waste Projects
Current Projects
Comprehensive Integrated Waste Management Strategy Review
The City of Winnipeg (City) is reviewing its plan for managing garbage and recycling. Garbage and recycling in Winnipeg is guided by the Comprehensive Integrated Waste Management Strategy (CIWMS). We are reviewing the targets, programs, services, and timelines in the plan. This review will help us work towards our waste reduction goals and help keep our city clean.
Residential Food Waste Pilot Project
Beginning in October 2020, the City will collect food waste from approximately 4,000 homes across Winnipeg and compost it. This two-year pilot project will help us determine the best way to collect food waste from all homes in Winnipeg and if residents feel this service is valuable.
Biosolids Land Application
We are developing a program to reuse wastewater biosolids on farmland instead of disposing them in the landfill. The program is part of the City’s master plan for sustainable biosolids management. Provincial legislation requires the City’s wastewater biosolids to be beneficially reused.
CSO Master Plan
We are developing a plan to manage the effects of combined sewer overflows (CSOs) on our rivers in an environmentally sound, sustainable and cost-effective manner.
The Future of Brady
We have been operating Brady Road Resource Management under a permit since 1973. Provincial regulations have evolved and landfills in Manitoba are now required to be licensed.
CSO Relief
This program involves installing new sewer pipes in areas of the city with combined sewers to help protect homes from basement flooding…
Completed Projects
Organics Diversion Strategy
Organics diversion programs will be necessary to reach our waste diversion rate goal of 50% or more. Organics make up approximately 40% of Winnipeg’s residential waste stream.
4R Winnipeg Depots
A 4R Winnipeg Depot is a place where residents can drop off material that they no longer have a use for, but could be recycled, reused, composted, or resold.
Garbage and Recycling Master Plan
Winnipeg needs a Garbage and Recycling Master Plan. The environmental, economic and social impacts of garbage affect all of us.
Biosolids Master Plan
We are developing a Biosolids Master Plan (BMP) that will determine how we will manage our biosolids in an environmentally sound, sustainable and cost-effective manner, while meeting Provincial regulations.
Water By-law Review
We have completed a comprehensive review of our existing Water Works By-law and drafted a new Water By-law.
Brady Road Resource Management Facility methane gas project
We have a plan to reduce methane gas from the Brady Road Resource Management Facility (Brady Road Landfill) which involves capturing and possibly using the methane as an energy source.
Sewer By-law Review
We have reviewed the existing Sewer By-law and are proposing changes. We have prepared a draft by-law and are now seeking feedback from businesses and the public before we send it to City Council for consideration.
Recycling study
We are looking at options for collecting recyclables from your home: continuing with the current program (weekly manual collection with blue boxes)
Brady Road Resource Management Facility (Brady Road Landfill) Put or Pay Agreements
In October 2009, City Council considered our report recommending that the Solid Waste By-law be amended to allow us to set up legal agreements with haulers of high volumes of commercial garbage and other municipalities.
Hauled Wastewater Study
We are conducting a study to determine an approach to accept and treat hauled wastewater for the next 20 years.
Canadian Strategic Infrastructure Fund (CSIF)
The City of Winnipeg operates three large treatment plants to treat millions of litres of wastewater that is collected through a vast network of sewer pipes from homes, businesses and industries. Sewage and other liquid wastes which make up wastewater, are processed in the plants and released as treated effluent to the Assiniboine and Red rivers, which merge and flow into Lake Winnipeg.
Seine Riverbank Stabilization at the Branch 1 Aqueduct
The project will stabilize the east bank of the Seine River, near the corner of Notre Dame Street and Maisonneuve Street. Stabilizing the bank is necessary to keep the Branch 1 Aqueduct safe and ensure a continued supply of water to Winnipeg residents.