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Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service

Fire Prevention By-law 35/2017

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Where can I access the full text of Fire Prevention By-Law 2017?
Why change the by-law?
  • A new Fire Prevention By-law was required because the existing by-law had not had any significant amendments since 2007 and the amendments required were quite extensive.
What are the changes?
  • In short new requirements were added for food truck inspection, flame effect permits and formal requirements for storage in parking garages. The release of Sky Lanterns in the City of Winnipeg has been prohibited. Some changes were made to the label requirements for servicing labels of fire protection installations. Additional fees have been added and other fees amended.
Why were the fees removed from the by-law?
  • To permit fee changes in line with inflation to be approved by the CFO and anything above inflationary increases to be reported and reviewed by Council.
Why do I need two service person licenses?
  • The Trade license issued by an outside organization or the province to a service provider is not the same as the license that is required to work within the City of Winnipeg. Fire Prevention will examine the service providers Trade license or other credentials designating their qualifications prior to issuing a license from Fire Prevention.
What happens if I let my service person licence expire?
  • If you allow your licence to expire you cannot service or inspect the systems you are qualified to inspect in Winnipeg. If you service or inspect any systems in Winnipeg with an expired licence or without a valid licence, you could be subject upon summary conviction to a minimum fine of $500.00 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than six months, or both. To renew an expired licence you will be charged an additional fee of $50.00 over and above the licence fee.
Who can inspect fuel-fired furnaces / heating units?
  • A person with a valid Provincial Gas Fitters license is eligible to obtain a Fire Prevention issued license to do this work in the City of Winnipeg.
What kind of smoke alarms do I need in my condo?
  • If you rent your Condo to a tenant; a hardwired smoke alarm or 10 Year Lithium powered smoke alarm is required as per Part 3 of the By-Law "Smoke alarms in Residential Rental Units". If your condo is owner occupied you require a smoke alarm; however, it may not require the 10 year lithium battery or the pause/hush feature.
Can I install a storage locker in my parking garage parking spot?
  • No new storage lockers are permitted unless a qualified engineer provides a report that confirms that the storage locker complies with the Fire Prevention By-law, Fire Code and Building Code requirements including requirements for the sprinkler systems.
What do I do if someone parks in a fire lane?
  • The property owner is responsible for maintenance of the Fire Lanes and ensuring that vehicles do not park in Fire Lanes on their property. If someone parks in a fire lane the owner or the owner's representative should ensure that the driver moves the vehicle. If the vehicle is parked with no one in the car, contact 311 immediately to advise the Parking Authority of the infraction.
How often do I renew the Fire Department service person license?
  • The licence duration will depend on the duration of your Trades licence. Fire Prevention has changed the duration to reflect the duration of your Provincial Trades Licence or other designated licenses. If your Trades Licence does not expire the Fire Prevention Licence will default to expire in four years.
Why does my license number have to be included on the servicing label?
  • To allow fire inspectors to identify and confirm a valid service person's license.
How do I qualify for a Fire Extinguisher Training License?
  • WFPS will be offering a "Train the Trainer" course for fire extinguisher training. Register for the course through WFPS Public Education. The course will not be offered until the fall of 2017.
Can I have a fire pit or residential bonfire?
  • Fire Pits and bonfires are the responsibility of Community By-law Enforcement Services and regulated by the Neighbourhood Livability By-law. However, if you or a group wishes to have a bonfire on community property or for a special event; a permit is required and can be obtained by contacting Fire Prevention or attending 185 King Street, 2nd floor.
Do I need an inspection to operate a food truck in Winnipeg?
  • Yes, food trucks / food carts and commissaries are required to be inspected by the Fire Prevention Branch annually in accordance with Part 8 of this By-law.
Why are you inspecting food carts, trucks, trailers and commissaries?
  • Fire safety inspections of units that have commercial cooking equipment, fuel-fired appliances, propane or a generator pose safety risks including fire hazards. An inspection is required to ensure these units and commissaries are maintained in a safe condition.
What do I require permits for?
  • Permits are required for the display or distribution of fireworks, flame effects and pyrotechnics, as well as for open burning.
Why are sky lanterns being banned?
  • Sky lanterns create a fire hazard when released in highly populated areas. Sky lanterns have caused many structure and wildland fires and they can injure and kill wildlife, livestock and pets. It is estimated based on 2015 statistics that 29 states in the U.S. have banned sky lanterns as well as many European countries.

Last update: April 24, 2017

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