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Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

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Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service



Fire Prevention By-Law No. 35/2017

Qualified Service Person Fire Extinguisher License Application


Consumer Fireworks Display Permit & Application Information - low hazard

Open Air Fire Permit Information

Keyed Lock Box Program
Volunteer Lock Box Program information. How does the program help you? How does the lock box program work?

Smoke Alarms in Rental Units
Do I need a smoke alarm? What smoke alarms are acceptable? Who is responsible to install a smoke alarm? How many smoke alarms are required? Preventing false alarms. Repeated smoke alarm false alarms. Battery-powered smoke alarms not permitted to replace a hard-wired smoke alarm. Can a smoke alarm be removed? Tenant obligations. Landlord obligations.

General information - Inspection and Re-Inspection Fees
Residential care facilities. Requested inspections. Re-inspections of previously-inspected occupancies. Post fire inspections. Fireworks site inspections. After hours inspections. Miscellaneous fees. Inspection fee schedule.

Occupant Load Information
Information on the occupancies that require occupant loads to be posted and the process to establish occupant loads in these types of occupancies.

Open-Air Fire Permit Information
Regulated under Liveability Bylaw. Permits are issued at Fire Prevention Branch. Payment information. Bonfire requirements. Agricultural by-product burning requirements. Burning brush, tree limbs, and prunings or disposal of wood requirements. Religious or ceremonial fire information. Warming fire information.

Consumer Fireworks (Display Permit Application and Information)
Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service Station locations. Permit requirements. Permit cost. Minimum age to obtain permit. Site inspection details. Permit requirements outside of Winnipeg boundaries. Clearance requirements. Fireworks minimum age purchasing. Locations to set off fireworks, if not the property owner. Preparing site for display. Information required to complete permit application. Locations to obtain fireworks permits.

Fireworks Distribution and Sales
Permit requirement details. Different types of fireworks distribution permits. Fireworks sales details. Displaying of fireworks for public sale.

General Information - Label Requirements for Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems
Which systems require labels. Label information details. Additional label requirements. Who can service systems and equipment? Qualification requirement details. Identifying licensed service person. Fire alarm system not operable. Preventing building from evacuation.

Hot Works
Important facts. Introduction and definitions. Hot works equipment. Compressed gas equipment. Location of hot works. Work on piping, equipment, or containers. Fire watch details. Additional measures. Gas cylinder and equipment precautions.

Renovations of Occupied High Rise Residential Buildings
Introduction. Fire Safety Plan. Hot works. Fire protection systems. Exits, corridors, and stairways. Storage. Workplace, Safety and Health.

Last update: September 15, 2022

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