Have your say in the future of the Winnipeg transit system

Transit Master Plan looks to significantly change the current network design

November 12, 2019

Where you catch your bus, the frequency it runs, and the route it takes could change as the City of Winnipeg develops the Winnipeg Transit Master Plan. The plan is a 25-year blueprint for Winnipeg Transit, but before any of it happens, the City wants to hear from you.

“As Winnipeg continues to grow, we need to make sure we have a transportation system that serves us now and into the future,” said Bjorn Radstrom, Manager of Transit Service Development.

 One of the most substantial proposed changes in the Transit Master Plan is having different types of service to meet different needs.


The primary network would be made up of rapid, frequent, and direct lines on major streets.

The map above shows the proposed primary network.
The map above shows the proposed primary network.

The service would be designed in a way so riders wouldn’t have to check a schedule to know when the next bus was coming, because it would run frequently.

The feeder network would be made up of connector and community routes to help people move around their neighbourhood, as well as connect to the primary network.

The map above shows the proposed feeder network.
The map above shows the proposed feeder network.

“The things that make us late are operating on congested roadway, operating through downtown, and making turns,” said Radstrom.

He said by straightening the routes out along major corridors the buses will be less susceptible to congestion and more likely to run on schedule.

The map above shows the proposed full network.
The map above shows the proposed full network.


The Transit Master Plan also proposes changing the way riders catch their buses. It recommends having stops, junctions, stations, and hubs. These would be designed to make it easier to change buses or switch to another method of transportation.

The Transit Master Plan focuses on the service Winnipeg Transit provides. The plan will provide the necessary framework to then determine what infrastructure could be needed.

There are several ways residents can learn more about the network changes proposed in the Transit Master Plan and share their thoughts on it.


On the City’s website you can view all the materials related to the plan, including maps of the different networks, proposed service frequencies, and greater detail about what this all means for riders.

You can also take the online survey and provide feedback to help the City plan the transit system’s future. The survey will remain open until November 24, 2019.


The City will also be holding workshops, community conversations and drop-in events to gather public input throughout the city. A full list of in-person events can be found on the City’s website.  

The input provided will then be incorporated into the Transit Master Plan. In early 2020, there will be another opportunity to provide input on the full Transit Master Plan before it is presented to Council for consideration.

Transportation and streets

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