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Winnipeg Public Library eliminates overdue fines
January 14, 2021

Library material due dates can sneak up on you, but now you don’t have to worry about accumulating late fines, as all Winnipeg Public Libraries are now fine-free.
More good news: all customers’ accounts with fines and movie fees will be cleared. Borrowed items will not have fines charged if returned a few days late, and the borrowing fee for DVDs and Blu-rays will no longer be applied.
“Eliminating library fines will benefit all Winnipeggers,” said Ed Cuddy, Manager of Library Services.
Cuddy reminded residents to do their best to return or renew library materials on time, as someone else might be waiting for them. Even though fines will not be charged, you are still responsible for returning everything you borrow.
Replacement costs will still apply for lost or damaged items.
Winnipeg Public Library joins several Canadian public libraries that eliminated overdue fines in 2020. This recent trend is an effort for libraries to become more equitable for all, as overdue fines may have previously prevented some residents from using the library to access essential information and resources.