New digital FIPPA request form launched
Form makes it easier and more accessible to request City records
May 30, 2022
It’s now easier to request City records under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, also commonly referred to as FIPPA.
We have launched a new digital submission form that can be filled out online. It is available in French by changing the language on the top right corner of the form. Previously, you would have to print off a form and either mail it to our Access and Privacy Office or drop it off in person.
“We know not everyone has access to a printer, and that can be a significant barrier for someone to request records,” said Denise Jones, the City’s Privacy Officer.
Jones said hard copy forms in English and French will continue to be accepted should someone prefer to submit their request using that method. If a digital form has been submitted, you do not need to submit a printed version.
The digital request form can be used if you are looking for access to an existing City record, including a police or fire report. You can request either your personal information, or general information. If you are requesting information about, or for, someone else, their consent must also be submitted.
Our Access and Privacy Office typically fields anywhere from 1,200 to 1,500 request each year and respond to requests within 45 calendar days of receipt.
While we’ve made the process to file a request form easier, depending on what you are looking for, that isn’t always the best way to start looking for records.
“As part of the City’s commitment to greater transparency and accountability, we make a significant amount of information available proactively,” said Jones.
Our Open Data portal is updated frequently with a wide variety of records. It’s also where we post a list of the FIPPA requests and responses since 2016.
If you have questions about the administration, operations, or finances of City services, programs, or activities, you should contact 311.