Bonivital Pool upgrades will help ensure the facility is enjoyed for years to come

Pool closed for approximately six months for mechanical upgrades and structural repairs

February 11, 2020

As Bonivital Pool marks 45 years since opening, critical building renewal work is being done to ensure the facility continues to be a popular place to swim into the future.  

The pool closed at the beginning of January to allow for construction crews to complete several significant projects.

“We are undergoing the refurbishment now to prevent against a future failure that would force us to close the pool immediately,” said Robert Loudfoot, Project Services Administrator with the Planning, Property & Development Department.

Concrete rehabilitation is being done on the pool deck and in the tank. This work will not only repair any deterioration, but also protect against future water seepage. New tile will then be installed through the facility.

The two pools are undergoing concrete rehabilitation and will have new tile installed.
The two pools are undergoing concrete rehabilitation and will have new tile installed.

Upgrades are being done on the Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) system. The HRV system controls the humidity level in the building. Given that the building is 45 years old, the heat recovery unit was starting to show its age.

“If the upgrades to the HRV system are not done, it would mean mechanical, electrical, and pool components would be damaged because of high humidity in the building,” said Loudfoot.

Crews remove the old tile so concrete rehabilitation work can be done. The concrete rehabilitation work will prevent against water seepage. A look under the pools where concrete rehabilitation work is underway.\ The pools filters will be replaced.

The work is expected to take roughly six months to complete, with the pool slated to reopen in summer 2020. The City worked with groups who regularly use the building to find alternate pool space during the closure.

“We appreciate the patience of pool users while we complete these important projects and are excited to welcome the community back this summer,” said Jennifer Sarna, Manager of Recreation Services with the Community Services Department.

For alternate aquatic programs and services during the project closure, please visit the City’s aquatics webpage.

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