Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Newly renovated Cornish Library now open

Facility updated to better serve the community

July 29, 2021

Just over 106 years after first opening its doors, Cornish Library has been renovated to ensure the library meets the needs of today’s customers, and future generations.

“The library has maintained its original character while incorporating updates that make it fully accessible and modernized,” said Rémi Fontaine, Branch Head at the Cornish Library.

The library now features a 24/7 book return, separate adult and children’s computer areas, redesigned adult and youth collection areas, new lounge spaces in front of existing fireplaces and accessible washrooms on the main and lower levels.

In order to keep the character of the library, existing woodwork throughout was kept and refreshed, with the original oak study table and chairs refinished.

An extension to the south of the building includes a bright and open reading area that overlooks the river. The lower level has been completely renovated with new program and meeting rooms.

There is a Family Literacy Playground in the children’s section and the library also features the Four Flowers kinetic sculpture by artist Michael Dumontier, courtesy of the Winnipeg Arts Council and the Our Cornish Library and the Suffragist Saga painting by artist Naomi Gerrard, commissioned by the Friends of Cornish Library for the renovations.

Program rooms, meeting rooms and the Family Literacy Playground are currently unavailable due to public health measures. Capacity at the branch is limited and visitors are encouraged to keep visits brief.

Make sure to check current COVID-19 guidelines before visiting the library.

The renewal of Cornish Library was spearheaded by the Winnipeg Library Foundation, a philanthropic organization which has worked to raise funds for Winnipeg's public libraries for over 20 years.

Libraries, Recreation and Leisure

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