We’re switching to LEDs one lighting fixture at a time

October 7, 2020

It’s out with the old light switches as we’re switching out outdated lighting technology in favour of energy efficient and cost effective LED bulbs and other smart technology.

So far, the lighting upgrades have been done in six facilities. This is part of the retro commissioning of civic buildings program. The program does audits of our buildings to identify aging infrastructure as well cost and energy saving upgrades or enhancements.

“The technology we are putting in will last 20 years so you are looking at energy and maintenance savings for two decades,” said Clinton Langan, Building Systems Technologist.

The savings are significant. Animal Services was recently upgraded at a cost of roughly $47,000 with that amount expected to be paid back in savings within 2.2 years. Over the entire lifespan of the equipment, it is estimated $188,653 will be saved and the return on this investment is anticipated to be 29.5 percent. Combined with building controls retro commissioning, estimated energy savings are expected to reach up to 40 percent.

The upgrades at Animal Services included two types of new lighting fixtures, LED lights, and retrofit kits were also incorporated which means the old fixtures were still able to be used to reduce environmental waste.  Daylight harvesting is now possible.

“That means if it is a bright day, the lights will automatic dim accordingly to save energy and can be set to follow the occupancy schedule of the building,” said Michael Kupchin, Building System Services Supervisor.

Smart lights are also individually controlled by motion sensors to help reduce the overall energy consumption in the building.

“Our team is always looking for innovative ways, such as LED technology, to make our operation more sustainable and we are grateful to the team at Municipal Accommodations for coordinating this,” said Leland Gordon, Animal Services General Manager.

These upgrades help support one of the key directions in our Climate Action Plan to implement low carbon and energy efficiency City facilities and buildings.

“This work is also inspiring retrofits in other City buildings,” said Leanne Shewchuk, Office of Sustainably Manager.

Other facilities with the new technology include Osborne Library, Sir William Stephenson
Library, Turtle Island Recreation Centre, the Magnus Eliason Recreation Centre, and the Carol Shields Auditorium in the Millennium Library.

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