High-tech mannequins helping train WFPS paramedics
Simulated patient training used to replicate a variety of scenarios
May 25, 2021
They can blink, cough, and have vital signs. High-tech mannequins are helping train our Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service (WFPS) paramedics to emergency calls.
Launched in 2020, the simulation (SIM) training is part of the WFPS’ Advance Care Paramedic program and is run out of the SIM lab at the WFPS’ Training Academy.
“It’s ok to make mistakes in here because this is where we learn,” said Chris Rollwagen, Training Officer.
There are three adult mannequins, one youth, and a pregnant mom and baby as part of the program. Depending on the model, they use either WI-FI or cellular signals to connect to computers in a nearby control room where the mannequins are remotely operated.
“Primarily we run through our advance cardiac life support scenarios as well as pre-hospital trauma life support so we can mock up the mannequin to have different wounds, amputations, and we can actually make him bleed,” said Rollwagen, adding they can also run obstetrics call from beginning to end with the pregnant mom and baby mannequins.
Rollwagen said debriefs are done following the exercise with the students, which are just as beneficial as the actual SIM training.
“In here, they can work out those kinks, the mistakes, and get their assessments and the flow to their calls better so when they hit the streets everything is just a little smoother,” he said.