Composting one way to help reduce waste
Residential food waste collection pilot now underway
October 23, 2020

We’re working to turn food waste from more than 4,000 homes in six neighbourhoods into high quality compost as part of our new residential food waste collection pilot project.
This two year pilot project will help us learn if a city-wide program is needed and what that could look like.
Participants collect their food waste and soiled paper products in their kitchen pail which is then emptied into the green cart for curbside collection. The carts are emptied once a week on the same day as recycling and garbage.
This isn’t our only food waste collection program. Several of our offices have introduced food waste collection, including Property, Planning & Development, City Hall, and Solid Waste Services. By separating out coffee grounds, food scraps and paper towels, these offices are helping divert compostable materials from the landfill to help combat climate change.
You can reduce your own food waste, even if you aren’t part of the residential food waste pilot project. Here are a few tips to consider:
- Shop smart by making a meal plan and only buy the food you need.
- Store your food properly and learn the best ways to store your fresh produce to prevent spoilage.
- Take regular inventories of what you have in your fridge, freeze, and pantry that you can use to make a meal.
- Donate any items you have in your pantry that are still good, but you don’t think you will use, to a local food bank.
- Try composting your food scraps in a backyard compost bin.