Registration now open for Living Prairie Museum Winter Speaker Series

Moose and frogs among topics covered in free virtual sessions

February 4, 2021

The Living Prairie Museum in winter.

Are you fascinated by frogs or want to learn more about moose? Consider signing up for one of the free sessions as part of the Living Prairie Museum Winter Speaker Series.

“The online interactive presentations are a great educational opportunity for anyone interested in delving into nature from the comfort of their own home,” said Sarah Semmler, Curator of the Living Prairie Museum.

The sessions are offered for free by the Friends of the Living Prairie Museum and run every second Tuesday in February from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Zoom.

“Our Winter Speaker Series events are always popular and we expect this year will be no different,” said Semmler.

Fun Facts About Frogs … and Other Manitoba Herpetofauna is being held on Tuesday, February 9 and presented by Dr. Pamela Rutherford, Associate Professor in the University of Brandon’s Department of Biology. Registration closes at 4:30 p.m. on February 8.

Moose in Manitoba with Daniel Dupont, Wildlife Biologist with the Province of Manitoba, is taking place on Tuesday, February 23. Registration begins on February 12 and runs until February 22 at 4:30 p.m.

Registration must be completed on the Friends of the Living Prairie Museum website.

The Living Prairie Museum features a 13 hectare tall grass prairie preserve and nature park.
The Living Prairie Museum features a 13 hectare tall grass prairie preserve and nature park.

While the Living Prairie Museum Interpretive Centre is currently closed, the outdoor self-guided trails and cross-country ski paths are open to be explored. Please follow all public health guidelines and stay on the trails. Dog owners are reminded that the preserve is on-leash only, and to pick up after their pooches. (Manuel sur les sentiers autoguidés)

Kids can also print off the Living Prairie Museum colouring book for an interactive way to learn more about creatures living on the prairie.

Animals and Insects Libraries, Recreation and Leisure

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