Make the right call: When you should contact 211 instead of 311
211 connects you with the right community or social service resource
February 11, 2022

If you are searching for mental health supports, home-care services, or newcomer resources, knowing where to go can be overwhelming and stressful. A call to 211 Manitoba can connect you to government, health, and social service resources available across the province to help.
A United Way initiative, 211 Manitoba is a free, confidential, 24/7 service that can be accessed by anyone in Canada. It is still relatively new in Manitoba after launching here at the end of 2020.
“If you don’t know where to start, call 211 and we will help you find the right community or social service resource,” said Daniel Leonard, 211 Manitoba Director with United Way Winnipeg.
If you aren’t familiar with 211 Manitoba, you might not be sure of the difference between that service and our 311 Contact Centre.
When to contact 211 Manitoba
You’ll want to reach out to 211 if you are looking for non-emergency community health and social service resources. This includes questions related to housing and people experiencing homelessness, senior supports, employment, and even legal issues.
When to contact 311
If your questions are about City services or programs such as snow clearing concerns, recreation program information, or garbage and recycling collection issues, you will want to connect with our 311 Contact Centre.
“Our 311 Contact Centre often gets calls that would be best handled by 211 Manitoba,” said Felicia Wiltshire, the City’s Director of Customer Service & Communications
The 211 Manitoba website also has a searchable database of organizations and programs that can be accessed by Manitobans. Service providers can reach out to 211 Manitoba to be included in its database
If you’re questions are best suited for our 311 Contact Centre, make sure to review these tips prior to reaching out as we have a variety of self-serve options you can use.
In case of a police, fire, or medical emergency, you must call 911.