Free summer activities around Winnipeg

Plenty of free options to keep active and entertained this summer

July 8, 2022

Our spray pads operate daily from 9:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.

The warmer weather and summer vacations have many people looking for free, fun activities.

We offer a wide range of options, from library programs to free museum admission, for people of all ages to enjoy.

Spray pads

Outdoor spray pads are a great way for kids to have fun. They are open daily from 9:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.

The majority of locations are free to use, with the exception of the ones located at the Transcona Aquatic Park and Kildonan Park Outdoor Pool.

Parents and guardians are reminded that spray pads are unsupervised. Children should be closely supervised at all times and follow all rules.


Admission is free at the Freight House pool. It is one of four unheated pools.
Admission is free at the Freight House pool. It is one of four unheated pools.

Wading pools are another option for children 12 and under to keep cool.

Children under 7 years of age must have a parent or guardian 12 years of age or older actively supervising them at the pool.

You can also cool off at one of our four, free non-heated outdoor pools. Admission fees apply to heated pools.

If you would rather splash around indoors, there are weekly free swim times during the summer at the majority of our indoor pools.

The free swim times are designed as an opportunity for safe activities for people of all ages. You can find the free swim windows by checking the facility schedule of the pool you want to visit.

Drop-in programs

Crafts, games, sports, and outdoor activities are just some of the free activities we offer at various locations around the city. Drop-in at our free Children’s Free Play and Youth Action Centre sites all summer long.

Check the Priceless Fun Guide or contact 311 for more information.

Winnipeg Public Libraries

From the Baby Sitters Club to  dragons, Winnipeg Public Library has a wide variety of free programs running all summer long. The programs are designed for a variety of age ranges.

Many of the programs involve registering in advance. Make sure to check the upcoming events schedule  or call your local branch to register so you don’t miss out on the fun.

There are also several fun and free summer reading programs for families, children and youth. Children 12 and under can register for the TD Summer Reading Club. Once registered, they will receive a free bilingual reading kit and have the chance to win prizes. Older children can take part in the Teen Summer Reading Challenge.

Living Prairie Museum

There is no cost to visit The Living Prairie Museum. It features a 13 hectare tall grass prairie preserve, walking trails, and an interpretive centre geared towards educating people of all ages about this endangered ecosystem.

Monarch Butterfly Festival

The Living Prairie Museum will be hosting the 134th annual Monarch Butterfly Festival on Sunday, July 21,on July 16 & 17, 2022.
The Living Prairie Museum will be hosting the 134th annual Monarch Butterfly Festival on Sunday, July 21,on July 16 & 17, 2022.

The museum will also be putting on its 14th annual Monarch Butterfly Festival on Saturday, July 16 and Sunday, July 17. It runs 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. each day.

The all-ages event will feature displays of live monarchs, crafts, guided hikes, a native prairie plant sale, and more. The popular milkweed plant giveaway will also be held, while quantities last.

Self-guided garden tours

It is the Year of the Garden and we are excited to showcase our beautiful gardens. Take a self-guided tour of our best and brightest floral displays. Plan your tour using our garden display map and list.

Originally posted on July 3, 2019

Libraries, Recreation and Leisure

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