Your next read: February 2020 book recommendations

Winnipeg Public Library shares book suggestions from the romance novel genre

February 27, 2020

If you are looking for your next book to read this winter, Barbara, a Collections Librarian, has a few suggestions for you based on the romance novel genre.


Intercepted by Alexa Martin
Intercepted by Alexa Martin

“Intercepted” by Alexa Martin is one romance novel that has caught Barbara’s attention. It follows Marlee, who had dated a NFL player for a decade only to find out he was cheating for years.

Barbara said that despite vowing to never date athletes again, a “very charming, very sexy, new quarterback” enters Marlee’s life.


Jilted by Lilah Suzanne
Jilted by Lilah Suzanne

Barbara said “Jilted” by Lilah Suzanne is a fake wedding romance. It novel centres around Link and Carter. Link’s fiancé left them at the alter with Carter’s boyfriend. The pair decide to go on the already paid for honeymoon as friends.

“As we all know in romance, when something starts off as friends, something else is going to happen,” said Barbara.

Intermediate Thermodynamics

Intermediate Thermodynamics by Susannah Nix
Intermediate Thermodynamics by Susannah Nix

“Intermediate Thermodynamics” by Susannah Nix is part of the Chemistry Lesson series.

“The series features geeky heroines who work in science, technology, engineering and mathematics,” said Barbara.

This novel follows Esther, an aerospace engineer, who doesn’t believe in love and absolutely hates her annoying next-door neighbor Jonathan, an aspiring screenwriter.

“Of course hatred starts turning to attraction and then attraction starts turning into something much deeper,” said Barbara.

All of the above books are included in the Winnipeg Public Library collection. For more great reads and book talk download the latest Time to Read podcast on the first Friday of every month.

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