Registration now open for fun and free summer reading programs for families, children and youth
June 16, 2022

If you are looking for fun and free children’s activities this summer, why not have them join the TD Summer Reading Club. It is for children of all interests, ages and abilities.
Visit any one of our Winnipeg Public Library branches to sign up. That gets them a free bilingual reading kit with activities and a calendar to track their reading. Filled-out calendars can be submitted in-person at any branch for a chance to win great prizes, including books, swim passes, or tickets to a Winnipeg Goldeyes game.
Offered in over 2,000 libraries across Canada, the program is an interactive way for children to keep up with their reading skills during the summer months when they aren’t in school. They can track their own reading and participate in fun online activities.
Children who are at the pre-reading stage can also join the club by being read to by their parents, siblings or caregivers. Reading aloud to children supports early literacy skill development and improves school readiness.
The Teen Summer Challenge Card also returns for youth in Grades 7 – 12. Just stop by any branch and pick up the bilingual Teen Summer Challenge Card. For each challenge completed, they will get one ballot to enter in a prize draw.
Check out the online calendar or view the What’s On at Winnipeg Public Library brochure for more information on all summer programs for children and youth. The club runs until September 2 and you can register any time before then.
If you don’t have a library card yet, you can pick up yours for free from any branch to access both the physical collection and the digital library. If you have mobility issues, you can register for a temporary membership card by filling out our online registration form.